Page 19 - LRCC October 2022 Focus
P. 19

High School Robotics Phenomenon: A Fun Way to
            Prepare for the Jobs of the Future

          High school robotics teams are                                            students throughout the K-12
          quickly growing in popularity                                             system will have opportunities
          for both boys and girls alike. The                                        to participate.
          FIRST Robotics Competition
          (FRC) is a competition held                                               Waverly High School has seen
          internationally for teams across                                          significant growth in its robotics
          the U.S., including more than 476                                         program since it was originally
          in the state of Michigan, which                                           formed five years ago. Waverly
          is the largest region in the world                                        had 17 students in its first year
          for FRC.                                                                  and has seen enrollment rise
                                                                                    to 42 at the high school and 180
         "I have never found a program that                                         districtwide. Waverly High teacher
          is more impactful on students'                                            and robotics coach Jeff Parks says
          lives," said Bryan Tasior, Holt High                                      being in robotics shows students
          School teacher and advisor to the                                         multiple career paths.
          Holt Robo Rams.
                                                                                    "We teach kids how to machine
          The Robo Rams operate much                                                and weld metal, how to CAD,
          like a small business that is                                             write grants, how to produce
          managed by student leadership.                                            videos, and how to build a robot,"
          Some students work in human                                               said Parks. "They learn to work
          resources, media and marketing,                                           together because the kids writing
          and fundraising. There are teams for manufacturing,   the grants need to know what the kids building the
          electrical, programming, and scouting teams for       robots are doing and vice versa."
          competition season.
                                                                Waverly has enjoyed a great deal of success in various
         "It is a unique opportunity for students to find their   robotics competitions, including competing in the
          passion even if they don't know it yet," said Tasior. "They   world competition in the program's first year. Today
          are apt to do things they have never done before, so   the team is focused on expanding its community
          they have to go out on a limb and learn new skills on a   engagement, letting as many people as possible
          daily basis."                                         interact with the robots.

          The Holt Robo Rams had a very successful competition   "We are working on building a tee-shirt cannon robot,
          season, working through regional and state competitions   which is a six-barreled cannon that will drive around
          to become one of 80 teams from Michigan to qualify    and shoot tee-shirts out to crowds at various events,"
          for the world competition in Houston, Texas. The event   said Parks. "We hope by getting out more in the
          included 459 teams from 34 countries. In addition to the   community we can drive the growth of robotics in the
          thrill of the competition itself, the team enjoyed field trips   Greater Lansing area."
          to a Houston Astros game, Galveston Beach, Memphis,
          and the Lorraine Motel, the site of the Martin Luther King   The success of the robotics program has increased
          assassination.                                        interest in students beyond the district's current ability to
                                                                support them. Parks says Waverly is working on ways to
         "It was a life-changing experience for our students," said   increase staffing to provide more opportunities, especially
          Tasior. "Some of our kids had never left Michigan, and they   for disadvantaged students.
          were talking to kids from Israel, Turkey, and Japan and
          helping each other during the competition."          "We have a lot of students that because of their socio-
                                                                economic status aren't exposed to as many opportunities,"
          The Robo Rams' success is getting noticed by other    said Parks. "Being able to get more of those students
          students. Three times as many students have signed up   involved is something we are going to keep striving for."
          for the program this year. Tasior says the team is looking
          for more partnerships in the community with local     Parks says that robotics is the greatest way to teach skilled
          businesses. He also says that Holt will eventually expand   trades, career readiness and to help students determine
          the robotics program into the elementary level so that   where they want to get in life.

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