Page 7 - LRCC March 2023 Focus
P. 7                                                                        ECONOMIC CLUB

        Civil Rights Activist Donzaleigh Abernathy Tells

        Lansing Economic Club: Michigan Must Rise Up to Protect
        Racial Justice

               onzaleigh Abernathy,                                                  “For every good there was a
               the youngest daughter                                                  retaliation,” said Abernathy.
       Dof American Civil Right
        Movement Co-Founder Rev. Dr.                                                  Abernathy said the Civil Rights
        Ralph and Mrs. Juanita Jones                                                  Movement was in many
        Abernathy told the Lansing                                                    respects, traumatic. So much
        Economic Club on February 2,                                                  so that her sister felt compelled
        that Michigan must lead the way                                               to move to Germany where she
        and rise up to protect civil rights                                           continues to live. The Civil Rights
        gains of the past several decades.                                            era was marked by hatred and
                                                                                      ignorance, something that
        “We’ve only been free for 50                                                  continues to this day.
        years. We haven’t had the
        centuries of freedom that                                                    “It is easy to hate,” said
        white people have had,” said                                                  Abernathy. “We hate because
        Abernathy. “We are still rising.                                              we don’t know each other. We
        Don’t let them take that away.”                                               don’t know each other because
                                                                                      we don’t talk to each other. We
        Abernathy was born in the                                                     don’t talk to each other because
        midst of the Civil Rights Movement as her father and his   we don’t sit together. Imagine if we sat together.”
        best friend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. established the
        nonviolent social movement which changed the course     Abernathy said that Michigan is viewed as a national
        of American history. During her presentation, she shared   leader and that how Michigan chooses to promote racial
        photos and stories from the growth of the Civil Rights   justice will be noted, and in many cases followed by
        Movement. She described her journey which was a         other states.
        series of victories offset by setbacks including bombings
        of her family home and church.                         “Hatred kills. Love reins. Love survives,” said Abernathy. l

          Chamber Milestones

                  PNC Bank                 Horizon Bank          Convergence Networks           Aspen Lakes
                   85 Years                  20 Years               (Formerly ASK)              Estates, DTN
                                                                        15 Years                   5 Years
            Shaheen Chevrolet, Inc.   Kolt Communications, Inc.
                   40 Years                  20 Years            Fahey Schultz Burzych           DTE Energy
                                                                      Rhodes PLC                   5 Years
                Güd Marketing            Maurer's Textile               15 Years
                   35 Years                  20 Years                                     Life Insurance Association
                                                                   Michigan Health &             of Michigan
                 Playmakers                Mead & Hunt            Hospital Association             5 Years
                   35 Years                  20 Years                   15 Years
               Bekum America            Reid Machinery, Inc.        Conquest Fitness         Compassionate Care
                 Corporation                 20 Years                   10 Years                   5 Years
                   25 Years
                                          T.H. Eifert, LLC      Eaton Regional Education
              RSDC of Michigan        Mechanical Contractors         Service Agency
                   25 Years                  20 Years                   10 Years

             We’d like to offer a special salute to these great organizations who reached milestone anniversaries as Lansing
           Regional Chamber of Commerce members this month. Thank you for your continued support throughout the years!

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