Page 8 - LRCC January 2023 Focus
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DIVERSITY & INCLUSION                                                   FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  JANUARY 2023

        Mid-Michigan ‘MLK Day of Celebration’ Earns an Emmy


              r. Martin Luther King                                                        was executive produced
              Jr. Commission of                                                            by the commission. The
       DMid-Michigan has                                                                   production team was led
        won an Emmy  Award for                                                             by MiEntertainment Group,
        the broadcast of its 2021                                                          Grand Rapids. Producers
        “MLK Day of Celebration”                                                           in addition to Meyer were
        honoring Dr. King’s legacy.                                                        Marshall Yoder and Dyan
                                                                                           Yoder; Eric Nacke was the
        The award is for excellence for                                                    video director, and Allen
        broadcast production in the                                                        McAvoy was the audio
        historical/cultural category                                                       engineer.
        from the Michigan Chapter
        of the National Academy of                                                         The hour-long broadcast
        Television Arts & Sciences.   Elaine Hardy, chair of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.   included segments recorded
        It was presented at the     Commission of Mid-Michigan, and Kevin Meyer, president   in the Grand Rapids Captus
        chapter’s Emmy Award Show   of MiEntertainment Group Inc., pose with the 2021 Michigan   Creative studios and Van
        in Detroit.                 Regional Emmy Award given for broadcast production excellence   Andel Arena, musical
                                    in the historical/cultural category from the Michigan Chapter of   performances, remarks from
        Necessitated by the         the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.    elected officials, and iconic
        pandemic, the January                                                              civil rights photographs.
        2021 broadcast was the
        first time in 36 years the                                                         Featured musicians
        commission transformed the                                                         included hip hop soul singer
        annual event for television.                                                       Musiq Soulchild and gospel
        Previously it was staged                                                           singer Tasha Cobbs-Leonard,
        before a sold-out audience                                                         along with Michigan artists
        of up to 2,200 at the Lansing                                                      Rodney Page, Larry Trice
        Center, Lansing.                                                                   Jr., Sharon Lawrence, Phil
                                                                                           Denny, Larry Trice III, and
        “Producing this show was                                                           Lansing’s Music of a Dream
        a labor of love,” said Elaine                                                      Orchestra. There was a
        Hardy, commission chair.    Producers of the Emmy award-winning, hour-long broadcast   salute to the commission’s
        “The replacement of our     combined artists’ performances filmed in the Grand Rapids   sponsors.
        annual luncheon couldn’t    Captus Creative studios and Van Andel Arena.
        just be a Zoom video conference — it had to be inspirational.   The program aired on WILX TV 10-NBC, Lansing. It can be
        And it had to amplify the message of our keynote guest, Dr.   viewed at
        Bernice King. We’re honored and proud the quality and spirit
        of the program are recognized by others.”               The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences –
                                                                Michigan Chapter represents experienced and talented
        Dr. Bernice King is a global civil rights activist and daughter   television professionals.
        of Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King. She spoke
        about her mother’s achievements in preserving MLK’s words   Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commission of Mid-Michigan works
        and work through institutionalizing his legacy, including the   to support equality, diversity, and social justice. It focuses on
        establishment of MLK Day. The national holiday allows for   the area’s pressing issues of literacy, youth violence, hunger,
        annual reflection on creating a more just, humane, equitable,   mentoring, education, and community enrichment. The
        and peaceful society.                                   nonprofit organization hosts speakers and concerts, supports
                                                                community service agencies, and promotes youth initiatives,
        Hardy worked closely with Kevin Meyer, East Lansing, in   such as essay and art contests, college scholarships, and an
        developing the program. He’s a concert producer who has   annual Y-Achievers tour for high school students. More
        partnered with the commission on events for about a decade.   information is at or follow the
                                                                commission on Facebook, @MLKCommOfMidMI, and
        Over 100 people are listed in the show’s credits. The program   Twitter, @MLKCommOfMidMI. l

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