Page 17 - LRCC October 2022 Focus
P. 17

have state-of-the-art education
                               opportunities for local students.  LRCC Members in
                              Part of the challenge of attracting
                             students into manufacturing
                        programs has been educating parents
                  about the changing nature of manufacturing      In celebration of October as National Manufacturing
                  and the opportunities involved, as compared to   Month, The Lansing Regional Chamber of
                                                                  Commerce is proud to recognize our members in
                    the industry of several decades ago. Meanwhile,   the manufacturing industry. Thank you for your
                     manufacturers are opening up more            enormous contributions to our region!
                       apprenticeships and co-op programs to
                         help nurture the talent pipeline.          •  Alro Steel Corporation  •  GM - General Motors
                                                                    •  Bekum America          Lansing Operations
                           "We are very conscious of the narrative   Corporation            •  Heppler Engineering
                            that needs to be changed," said         •  Capital Area           Group
                             Kangas. "People often think that        Manufacturing          •  IMPCO
                             factories are dirty and jobs are        Council                •  KTM Industries, Inc.
                             insecure. Teachers and counselors      •  Capital Steel & Wire,   •  LorAnn Oils, Inc.
        often push kids to go to four-year universities, but not every   Inc.               •  Neogen Corporation
        child may be ready for that. Kids that go into professional   •  Dart Container     •  Niowave Inc.
        trades are graduating with zero debt, starting their careers   •  Demmer Corporation  •  Peckham, Inc.
        young, and having an amazing experience."                   •  Douglas Steel        •  Pratt & Whitney
                                                                     Fabricating              AutoAir, Inc.
        Kangas says that our diverse manufacturing businesses                               •  RSDC of Michigan
        remain one of the best-kept secrets and we as a community   •  Dowding Industries   •  S & S Die Co.
        should be proud of our robust manufacturing sector.         •  Emergent             •  The Shyft Group
        "We drive by these facilities on a daily basis, and we see them   Don't see your business listed?
        and we have no idea what goes on inside," said Kangas.    Contact us to become a member today!
        "These places are highly successful businesses that are often
        shipping their products globally. We should very much be
        proud of what is happening in our region."              expanded greatly and now includes large, multinational
                                                                customers, as well as small "owner/operator" plastic bottle
        Greater Lansing does have numerous success stories in an   manufacturers.
        increasingly diverse manufacturing sector. Here are just a
        few of the many stories worth telling about manufacturing   "You might not know us, but you use bottles produced on
        in our region.                                          Bekum machines every day of your life," said Steve London,
                                                                president & CEO, Bekum America Corporation.
        Bekum America Corporation: People Make
        the Difference                                          Bekum strives for excellence in the design and
        Bekum America                                           manufacture of its industry-leading technology, in the
        Corporation was                                         development of its employees, and in its involvement in
        established in 1979                                     the community. Bekum's concentration on developing
        with the mission                                        its people has resulted in its industry-leading position. Its
        to introduce                                            people represent quality and excellence, which translates
        top-quality blow                                        into long-term success through increasing sales, a strong
        molding machinery                                       marketplace share, and more than 40 years of successful
        designed to                                             operations.
        produce plastic
        bottles, containers, and other large plastic parts in the North   Bekum believes the major reason for its long-term success
        American marketplace, by blending German design and     has been its people. "Growing its own" has been and
        technology with American skill and ingenuity.           continues to be a significant goal of Bekum. Following
                                                                this belief, Bekum has developed an award-winning
        A sample of products produced on Bekum's machinery      Apprenticeship Program based upon the German
        includes customer favorites such as cosmetic and       "model," and they are proud that more than 50 percent
        shampoo bottles, food jars, detergent bottles, beverage   of their manufacturing employees are the results of its
        and juice containers, and countless other large plastic   outstanding Apprenticeship Program.
        objects. Bekum's customers produce these products for
        an impressive array of consumer-oriented companies.     Bekum practices what it preaches – people make
        Since its inception, Bekum’s customer base has          the difference.

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