Page 15 - LRCC August FOCUS 2024
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connections. In April of this “ Pingston said the new Lansing
year, Lansing was awarded As the focus Shuffle riverfront food hall
the 2024 Pure Michigan Trail has turned adjacent to Rotary Park is a
Towns designation by the to the idea of perfect example of blending
Michigan Department of Natural connectivity with urban and outdoor experiences
Resources and Pure Michigan. for locals and visitors.
new trails, the
In honoring the Capital City initial focus is “Lansing Shuffle spills right
at the 2024 Pure Michigan Michigan State out onto the river trail itself,”
Governor’s Conference on University to Pingston explained. “So in
Tourism, Lansing’s trail system downtown Lansing, you can be
was lauded for providing Lake Lansing, and riding your bike five miles, then
residents and visitors with a Holt to Mason. stop and have lunch or play
safe means of recreation and shuffleboard, then continue on
transportation. - INGHAM COUNTY DEPUTY your way.”
Julie Pingston, president and Choose Lansing worked
CEO of Choose Lansing, said with parks and recreation
collaboration among the local officials to apply for the 2024
municipalities has made the Pure Michigan Trail Towns
Lansing River Trail an unparalleled attraction in the state. designation to better promote the region.
“You think of riding or walking trails, but you wouldn’t “It was nice for the Lansing area to be recognized as one of
necessarily think of an urban destination for that,” Pingston the only Trail Town designees that’s an urban destination,”
said. “The way the trails and the trail coordinators have all Pingston said. “It’s just a big elevation in terms of how
come together has really made it a unique opportunity to people looking for information about trails find us. There’s
showcase a little bit of everything: it follows the rivers but a lot that we as a destination marketing organization can
goes in through the Potter Park Zoo area, into our smaller do to promote the great variety of trails that we have in
communities, and through downtown Lansing.” our region.” l
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