Page 22 - LRCC August FOCUS 2024
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        Township. Located along Saginaw      full overview of the program, visit
        Highway, just west of Nixon Road,
        the groundbreaking of McLaren        tools-and-programs/tenant-
        Grand Ledge was marked with a        improvement. Questions about the
        ceremony on June 12th attended       grant program can be directed to
        by representatives from McLaren
        Greater Lansing, McLaren Health
        Care, and local officials, including                 Born in Lansing in
        Delta Township Supervisor Kenneth                    2024, MIpreneur
        Fletcher, Grand Ledge Mayor                          is committed to
        Keith Mulder, and Michigan State                     fostering a vibrant
        Representative Angela Witwer.                        and inclusive            On-Demand Leadership
        Construction is expected to take                     community for            Training for On-The-Go
        a year, with the first patient to be   entrepreneurs, small business
        treated in Fall 2025.                owners, and professionals                         Leaders
                                             across Michigan. MIpreneur is a                            COACHES
                                             social learning and networking              Starting   Susan Combs, MBA, PCC
                                             community where members                  October 1     Ross Woodstock, Leadership
                                             can explore, connect, and thrive
                                             together. MIpreneur hosts
                                             bi-monthly events on topics related
                                             to the entire experience of building
                                             a brand or business in Michigan.
                                             The volunteer-based organization
                                             is supported through sponsors,                    Register Now
        Lansing Community College has        partners, and donations.                     www.
        officially renamed its Arts & Sciences
        Building to the Brent M. Knight Arts
        & Sciences Building. Brent Knight
        served as LCC’s president from
        2008 to 2020, retiring after 12 years
        at the helm. The renaming of the
        Arts & Sciences Building is the latest
        honor bestowed on Knight. He was                                             CORPORATE, ASSOCIATION & COMMUNITY EVENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY
        previously granted the designation                                    
        of president emeritus in 2020,       Lansing’s Royal Scot Golf & Bowl
        making him the first LCC president   has installed a 5,600-square-                  SAME NAME.
        to receive the title.                foot digital screen at the end of            SAME SERVICES.
                                             their 60 bowling lanes, replacing
        Downtown Lansing Inc. will accept    the existing masking units. The            NEW LOCATION.

        applications for its new Tenant      innovative screen can show dynamic        114 West Allegan Street Lansing, Michigan 48933
        Improvement Grant through Sept.      animations, live TV broadcasts,                  (Downtown Lansing)
        30. With a total of $1 million in grant   corporate advertisements, concerts,
        funds, DLI will match 50 percent     personalized birthday greetings, and
        of eligible rehab investments with   a variety of other content. The screen
        a cap of $50,000 per project. Over   can display a singular expansive
        the past year, DLI has awarded over   image or multiple distinct visuals.
        $1.8 million in grants exclusively   The bowling facility intends to
        to downtown businesses. The          promote the products and services
        Tenant Improvement Grant             of local businesses and nonprofits,
        program is a new resource available   along with various activities and
        to downtown properties and           events within the Greater Lansing
        businesses, prioritizing rehabbing   Area. The recent installation makes
        and revitalizing historic buildings   Lansing home to the largest
        within downtown Lansing. Grants      LED screen in a Bowling Center
        are only available to for-profit,    worldwide, surpassing the record
        non-tax-exempt businesses. For       previously held by McHenry Bowl in
        application information and a        Modesto, Calif., since late 2022. l

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