Page 9 - LRCC August FOCUS 2024
Spicer Group Celebrates
80 Years
picer Group has reached its “oak”
anniversary: 80 years of serving the
Sregion’s engineering, surveying, and
community planning needs.
Spicer Group is celebrating its eight decades
of construction work with activities for
employees and clients. For employees, Spicer
Group has provided swag boxes, in-house
games, and giveaways such as a digital
scavenger hunt, team jerseys with each
employee’s name, and four baseball nights
at Michigan minor league ballparks. Spicer
Group is also honoring its anniversary by Clifford Spicer and original Spicer employees in front of Spicer’s first official
office building in downtown Saginaw.
sponsoring events held by clients in the
Spicer Group Inc. began in 1944 as a
civil engineering and land surveying firm
but has since expanded its core services
to include community planning and
architectural services.
Founder Clifford Spicer
launched the firm
with two part-time
surveying employees
from a spare room in
his house. Today, Spicer
Group employs more
than 350 people in
10 offices, including Spicer Group surveying equipment near the Saginaw River in the 1990s.
its headquarters in
Clifford Spicer
Saginaw, Michigan.
Spicer Group’s projects include jobs that need
“Being in business for 80 years helps reinforce that we to be done quickly and others that require long-
are making successful choices and keeping our clients term planning. For instance, recent local flooding
satisfied,” said Spicer Group’s marketing director Aaron related to Hurricane Beryl required Spicer Group to
Bedford. “A significant amount of our business is from switch to emergency response mode for several clients,
repeat clients, and we respect and appreciate their said Lansing principal and professional engineer
continued trust in us to provide quality services.” Timothy Inman.
Bedford said Spicer Group’s founder always credited Other notable recent projects include the Bauer Drain
his employees with the company’s growth and success, relocation. Spicer Group designed a project to relocate
and that holds true today. the county drain around an economically valuable
oil and gas terminal, while protecting the water
“Our growth was not easy, and we continue to learn from contamination. The project required extensive
new technologies and adjust procedures accordingly,” collaboration between public and private entities.
Bedford said. “Many years ago, when asked to describe
the recipe for his success, (Spicer) noted that it wasn’t The Bauer Drain relocation project earned a
due to just his efforts, but to the employees that work 2024 Engineering Honorable Conceptor Award
here and their drive to always give good service and do from the American Council of Engineering Companies
good work.” of Michigan. l
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