Page 13 - LRCC january 2025 Focus
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wage,” Sellek said. “You can see the mix of anxiety          in contact with your own legislators to let them
        and fear and even rage that comes from the                   know, ‘I’m going to do my best to comply, but I
        workers when they actually are presented with                need you to know how this is impacting me.’ It’s
        the ability to talk about this because they’re               a really meaningful way to give communication,”
        saying, ‘What the heck is going on here? We didn’t           Mills said. “There’s power in numbers.”
        ask for this.’”
                                                                     Mills said she recommends “intentional
        Sellek said the New York-based nonprofit One Fair            preparation but not panic.” Though the changes
        Wage pushed for changes to the Michigan                         are big, they won’t cause instantaneous
        minimum wage that don’t align with the                             disruptions. For instance, not every
        interests of the people it purports to help.                          employee will take 72 hours of paid time
                                                                                off right away; the paid sick time must
        “On the surface, it was just going to                                    still accrue over time.
        change the minimum wage, but it
        also included buried in the details           If you have                   Hammond also advises that
        that it would wipe out the way our             very bare-                   businesses keep an eye on how
        tipping system works today, and                                              federal labor and employment
        that’s just unacceptable to the            bones staffing,                   laws might shift after the U.S.
        workers themselves,” Sellek said.          it’s something                    Presidential Inauguration in
                                              you’re going to have                   January 2025.
        A Save MI Tips rally at the
        Michigan State Capitol in                to think through.                   “We don’t know what’s going to
        September drew nearly 1,000               Even for a larger                  happen in the next year, but we
        workers from throughout                                                      have to monitor both the federal
        Michigan, he said. The advocacy      company with over 50                    and the state and do what we
        group has also coordinated             employees, staffing                  do currently, which is make sure
        meetings with lawmakers so that              is a big deal.                 we’re in compliance with both,”
        tipped workers can share their                                             Hammond said.
        personal stories.
                                                  Clifford Hammond,               Businesses violating the state
        “This line of work is essentially the      Foster Swift Collins          mandates are subject to investigation
        most all-American, entrepreneurial             & Smith PC               by the Michigan Department of Labor
        type of work that you can have if                                      & Economic Opportunity’s Wage and
        you’re willing to work hard and hustle,”                              Hour Division, administrative fines, and
        Sellek said.                                                        orders to pay back any earnings withheld
                                                                          improperly. And that’s before the civil claims.
                                                               “There’s a lot of incentives here to do it right from an
        While uncertainty abounds about the Improved            employer side because it could be costly,” Hammond
        Workforce Opportunity Wage Act and the Earned Sick      said. “And there’s a lot of incentives for employees and
        Time Act, labor and employment law experts emphasize    their counsel to bring the claims because they can get
        that it’s vital that business owners make their concerns   paid pretty significantly. So there’s a lot of skin in the
        known to their state legislators, trade groups, and     game for everybody to get it right.”
                                                                For more information on Michigan’s minimum
        “The chamber and all sorts of statewide organizations   wage and paid medical leave requirements, visit
        and associations are putting their hat in the ring to
        try to make an impact here, so get connected with       and-Hour. u
        groups that you feel are going to advocate strongly. Get

             Stay ahead of changes to Michigan’s Paid Sick Leave and Minimum Wage laws with support from the
            Lansing Regional Chamber members. Our member directory is your resource for connecting with trusted
             legal, CPA, and HR professionals who can provide expert guidance and keep your business compliant.
                              Visit to explore your options today!

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