Page 4 - 2024 LRCC Legislative Agenda and Policy Guide
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2024 Legislative Agenda & Policy Guide
The Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce believes The Chamber believes that a unified and aligned
efforts to diversify and expand our economy are of leadership from our elected leaders as well as our law
primary importance and a top priority. Our specific enforcement officers is critical towards identifying
responsibilities and focus will be business creation, solutions to provide a safe environment to residents,
expansion of existing businesses, recruitment of new ensure neighborhoods are safe for families, give
business, and work force availability. The Chamber will confidence to employers that their employees and
work with private and public partners in supporting customers are safe, and to ensure that every visitor
realistic and effective economic development. to our state’s capital city can enjoy the amenities our
communities offer safely.
The Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce advocates TAXATION | REGULATIONS
for a well-rounded, quality education that provides The Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce operates
individuals the chance to reach their own life goals. We on the basic premise that taxation should fund essential
strongly support efforts to adequately fund a seamless, government services and any additional tax should be
effective, efficient system of K-12 education, including levied only in special circumstances. We believe budget
vocational and technical curriculum. In the 21st century it shortfalls in all levels of government, local governments
will be imperative that our educational system produces in particular, should be addressed by reorganizing
well-prepared future business owners and managers for priorities and reducing spending before tax increases are
the entire state and region. considered.
The Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce believes The Greater Lansing region is seeing unprecedented
that we should maintain a high- quality infrastructure economic growth and job creation and we support
network that meets the current and future needs of measures to build more housing at all levels of
individual, business, and corporate citizens. attainability.
The Chamber is focused on promoting effective private
sector solutions to our health care challenges that will
help control costs, expand access, and improve the
quality of care. | 4