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2022 Keynote Speaker  2022 Keynote Speaker

 Dr. Terrence J. Roberts  Minnijean Brown Trickey

 Dr. Roberts is CEO of Terrence Roberts Consulting, a   Minnijean Brown Trickey has lifelong experience and
 management consultant firm devoted to fair and equitable   commitment to peacemaking; environmental issues;
 practices in business and industry. Started in 1975 as   developing youth leadership; diversity education and
 Terrence J. Roberts and Associates, this firm seeks to   training; cross-cultural communication; gender and social
 assist management personnel in the creation of workplaces   justice advocacy. Minnijean Brown Trickey is one of the
 conducive to employee growth and development.  nine African American students who collectively resisted
        opposition to the desegregation to enter Little Rock Central
        High School in 1957, with protection from federal troops.
 A graduate of California State University at Los Angeles
 (BA), and UCLA (MSW), Dr. Roberts obtained his Ph.D. in
 Psychology from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale,   Minnijean’s teaching experience in social work includes
 Illinois.  Carleton University, and community colleges in Canada. She
        served in the Clinton Administration as Deputy Assistant
        Secretary for Workforce Diversity at the Department of
 For forty years, (1975-2015), Dr. Roberts was a practicing   Interior. She was the Shipley Visiting Writer for Heritage
 clinical psychologist first in Deer park, California and later   Studies at Arkansas State University. For the past twenty
 in Pasadena, California. During this same time period   years she has been a nonviolence and antiracism facilitator
 he was Director of Mental Health Services at St. Helena   for Sojourn to the Past, a ten-day interactive history
 Hospital and Health Center (1977 – 1985); Assistant Dean of   experience for high school students. She continues as a
 Student Services at UCLA’s School of Social Welfare (1985   teacher, writer and motivational speaker. She is the mother
 – 1993); and Department Chair and faculty member in psychology at Antioch University, Los Angeles (1993 – 2008).  of three sons and three daughters.

 Dr. Roberts has taught, written about and consulted with a variety of groups, institutions, businesses and   Brown Trickey is the recipient of numerous awards for her community work for social justice, including Lifetime
 professional organizations on issues related to race and racism in American society. It is his belief that complete   Achievement Tribute by the Canadian Race Relations Foundation, the International Wolf Award for contributions
 resolution of these issues can only happen when we, collectively, decide to rid ourselves of the pernicious ideology   to racial harmony. With the Little Rock Nine, she received the NAACP Spingarn Medal and the Congressional Gold
 of racism.  Medal. She is a member of the Little Rock Nine Foundation that awards nine scholarships bi-annually.

 As one of The Little Rock Nine, Dr. Roberts has been in demand by a number of groups who wish to learn about   She holds a Bachelor of Social Work in Native Human Services from Laurentian University and Master of Social
 the impact of the chaos in Little Rock in 1957 on the social, cultural, political, and economic life of citizens in   Work from Carleton University, in Ontario Canada. She is the recipient of four Honorary Doctorates.
 contemporary America. This especially true at the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles where Dr. Roberts is
 a member of the adjunct faculty. He regularly spends time with groups of law enforcement officers including but
 not limited to the los Angeles Police Department, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, The California   She is the subject of a documentary, Journey to Little Rock: the Untold Story of Minnijean Brown Trickey, which has
 highway Patrol, and the United States Department of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement   received critical acclaim in international film festivals in Africa, England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, the U.S., South
 Division. His goal is to assist the officers develop more advanced understandings of the ways in which some of their   America and Canada. She was featured in People Magazine, Newsweek, the Ottawa Citizen, the BBC, the Canadian
 attitudes about different others are established by their belief in systems founded upon mythological constructs   Broadcasting Corp, Donahue, CNN, the History Channel Turning Points in History, the HBO documentary, Little
 and supported by pernicious ideologies promulgated by those who wish to preserve a static social hierarchy.  Rock Central: 50 Years Later, and a variety television, radio and print media. She appeared with the Little Rock
        Nine on Oprah, Today and numerous other media.

 LESSONS FROM LITTLE ROCK, a memoir by Dr. Roberts was published on October 1, 2009. In this book he
 describes his experience at Central High School and talks about the salient lessons to be learned from that episode.    In 2016, Minnijean donated more than 20 personal objects to the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American
 On February 1, 2010, his second book, SIMPLE, NOT EASY: Reflections on Community, Social Responsibility, and   History. The collection includes a Little Rock Central High School yearbook, a graduation dress, a personal
 Tolerance was published. The essays in this volume seek to guide the reader toward more socially responsible   letter from President Dwight D. Eisenhower, a notice of suspension and photographs. She is a proud mother and
 positions in life.  grandmother who still travels globally spreading a message of antiracism, nonviolence, peace and reconciliation.

 In recognition of his contributions to society, Dr. Roberts has been the recipient of: The Congressional Gold Medal,
 The Pere Marquette Discovery Award, The Spingarn Medal and The Robert S. Abbott Award.

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