Page 20 - February 2021 Focus
P. 20
in both state and federal courts. Dickinson is a Overcome.” With opening remarks by LCC which is being installed in over 600 rooms, will
member of Foster Swift’s municipal and general President Dr. Steve Robinson, who also sings allow patients to stay in touch with their family
litigation practice groups. Hamlet practices from with the choir, 24 participants rehearsed and and friends while visitor restrictions are in place
the Grand Rapids office as a member of the recorded themselves. It was led by Dr. Jonathan during the pandemic.
firm’s health care and employee benefits practice Ten Brink, faculty chair of the music program,
groups. Koerner practices from the Lansing LCC. Ten Brink, the mastermind behind the In response to the devastating business impacts
office. He helps municipal entities, businesses, endeavor chose the staple of the Civil Rights of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the East
and information technology clients find practical movement for the virtual choir because, “as Lansing Downtown Management Board
solutions to complex problems. Krueger practices individuals and a community, we are overcoming (DMB) has launched the Yiftee eGift Card
in the firm’s Lansing office as a member of the so many things, and this song of protest and Program for Downtown East Lansing businesses.
trusts and estates practice group. Zahrt practices hope brings individuals together as a community Through a second-round of promotional
from the Grand Rapids office as a member of to inspire others.” programming, customers can go online and
the firm’s business and tax and trusts and estates purchase Downtown East Lansing gift cards to
practice groups. Thank you to the Community Foundation and be redeemed at 30 downtown businesses. If you
Jackson National Life Insurance Company® spend $25 or more, you receive a $10 gift card for
Company News ( Jackson) for their generous grants to support free; if you buy $50 or more, you receive a $20
efforts and activities that will enable The Davies gift card for free; and if you buy a $100 or more,
The City of Lansing and Arts Council Greater Project to grow and help more children be you receive a $40 gift card for free.
Lansing are proud to announce round-one FY healthy, and families are hopeful. Pre-pandemic,
2021 City of Lansing Arts and Culture Arts an estimated 6,000 children in our community The Shyft Group (formerly Spartan Motors)
Projects Grants totaling $40,000 to two local could be healthier if they had regular, reliable held a hiring event in December in Charlotte.
arts and cultural organizations. These grants rides to medical appointments. Healthy children Shyft will be hiring up to 70 employees. The
are funded through the City of Lansing and do better in school and achieve their future event will take place with candidates staying in
administered by the Arts Council of Greater potential. Parents who are not stressed about their vehicles while being interviewed.
Lansing. The 2021 art projects include Lansing losing their jobs due to a child’s illness are more
Art Gallery & Education Center’s ARTpath, productive at their jobs and more financially More state-funded grants are on the way for
which will provide a public art display in 20 sites secure. small businesses that continue to be battered by
featured along the historic Lansing River Trail the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. The Michigan
for the Summer of 2021. Also, Lansing 5:01’s First National Strategic Fund (MSF) has approved a Small
Dam Jam, a riverside music festival, stretching Bank of Michigan
over a mile of the Lansing River Trail, featuring (“ FNBM ”)
a lineup of over 15 Michigan bands with a has announced
headlining performance in-the-round at the a $1,000,000
Brenke Fish Ladder. i n v e s t m e n t clarity confidence effectiveness vitality
to support
East Lansing focuses its efforts on sharing affordable housing THE FIT LEADER’S PROGRAM ™
information about the Downtown Merchant development in
Community in a new and interactive way. partnership with OPEN-ENROLLMENT PROGRAM
The City has launched Explore Downtown Cinnaire and the Michigan Bankers Association
East Lansing. This new web app that allows Service Corporation (MBASC). The investments
community members to find the location, are part of First National Bank of Michigan’s "Even more elegant than I had hoped
business name, address, block number, and commitment to expanding access to high-quality, for, the Fit Leader’s Program opens
doors for me, and shaved years off
"The Fit Leader’s Program was
website for each business using an interactive affordable housing, a key driver of economic creating my own program!" exactly what we needed to move
map. The app also has a featured section to mobility and family stability. our internal talent to leadership
highlight business stories and information "My next promotion came much faster
about COVID-19 recovery activities and safety once the Fit Leader’s Program helped me
increase my Clarity, Confidence,
measures. Effectiveness and Vitality."
Remember your first bike? The feeling of freedom,
speed, and knowing you have something that was
unmistakably yours is one that doesn’t soon fade. The Leadership Fitness Experience is unique
Nearly 30 children in the Lansing area were able among executive development programs because
to experience that excitement over the holidays of its highly effective combination of:
thanks to some McLaren Greater Lansing • Tool-based workshops
employees’ generosity. The donations are part • Professional coaching
of the McLaren Greater Lansing Foundation’s • Leadership assessments
• Online resources
Simple Gift Holiday Tree program, a staple of
holiday giving at McLaren for the past 10 years. As the holidays approach, Sparrow – through the ROSS WOODSTOCK SUSAN COMBS
generosity of a matching challenge grant from (517) 410-7636 (517) 231-7606
Lansing Community College students, faculty, the Dart Foundation and support from donors
and staff came together to create an expression of like PNC Bank – is providing every inpatient
hope and resilience by joining together virtually room with an iPad so patients can communicate Authorized Licensee of the Institute for Leadership Fitness.
in song with their rendition of “We Shall with their loved ones. The new equipment,