Page 20 - LRCC January FOCUS 2020_Neat
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        PEOPLE NEWS                                  team leader,  Teri Sand  was awarded Michigan’s   lobbying both state and federal levels, mentorship and
                                                     Shining Star Award for her above-and-beyond efforts   community service.
                       On  Thursday, Nov. 14, East   to support employers in Clinton, Eaton and Ingham
                       Lansing  attorney  Michael    counties.  Workforce development board member,   From gamified science learning to empowering youth
                       Stephenson was given the      Rey Guzman was named the 2019 Collaborator   athletes, entrepreneurs of all kinds joined the Lansing
                       Ingham County Bar Association’s   of  the  Year  for his  role as  talent  development   Economic Area Partnership (LEAP) and the greater
                       Leo A. Farhat Outstanding Attorney   liaison. Workforce development board member and   Lansing community on Nov. 20 for the Hatching
                      Award named after legendary    Teach. Talent. Thrive. co-chair, Chris Holman was   business pitch competition. The November winner
                       Lansing-area attorney Leo A.   recognized as the 2019 Volunteer of the Year for his   was Cytopolis by Johan De Bruin, an online strategy
                       Farhat. Stephenson is a partner   years of service and leadership.        game that teaches microbiology in a shared ecosystem,
                       at  Willingham Coté, P.C.  and                                            using economic concepts to trade resources between
        specializes in medical malpractice defense.                The  Greater Michigan Con-    players — think Clash of Clans with an educational
                                                                   struction Academy  welcomes    twist.
                       Sparrow Carson Hospital is                  new staff member  Carly  Purdy
                       proud to recognize  Jennifer                to the role of admissions and   The  Arts Council of Greater Lansing is pleased
                       Becher from Sparrow Medical                 placement services director. Carly   to announce its 2019 Applause Award winners. This
                       Group  (SMG) Pediatrics as                  will be working out of the Midland   year,  seven  awards  were  presented  to  the  following
                       the  October  Caregiver of the              area office and is looking forward   recipients: Creative Community Award,  Greater
                       Month.  Becher is the provider   Purdy      to collaborating with their training   Lansing Association of Realtors;  Business
                       practice support caregiver at               partners as well as their students as   Leadership Award,  Lansing Board of  Water and
                       SMG  Pediatrics  and  received  a   they continue their education in the trades.  Light;  Arts and Cultural Organization Award,
                       nomination for the compassion                                             Lansing Symphony Orchestra; Arts Educator Award,
        she shows to patients and her willingness to go above      Junior  Achievement  (JA)  of   Dionne O’Dell; Individual Artist Award, John Dale
        and beyond to make sure patients’ needs are met.           Mid Michigan welcomes Jessica   Smith; Civic Leadership Award, Mayor Andy Schor
                                                                   Smeak of Smeak Real Estate to   and the Ted Sondag Individual Leadership Award,
                                                                   the board of directors.  Jessica has   April Clobes.
                                                                   been a volunteer with JA for over
                                                                   five years and, as an entrepreneur   Downtown Lansing, Inc welcomes Siso Dhladhia
                                                                   herself, is committed to building   as a marketing and design specialist. Siso is a
                                                                   business within the mid-Michigan   downtown resident with a plethora of experience
                                                                   area by inspiring youth to pursue   in the small business and entrepreneurial world.
                                                     their own path to entrepreneurship.         Previously  serving  as  the  organizer  and  emcee  of
                                                                                                 The Hatching, an entrepreneurial pitch competition,
                                                     Jane Mitchell, MAS, owner of  Jungle Jane   Siso worked for LEAP as well as Impression 5
                                                     Promotions was recognized by Michigan Promotional   Science Center through the last few years.  You may
                                                     Professionals Association for her dedication,   also have seen him around town helping to organize
        Three Capital Area Michigan Works! team members   leadership and devotion to the promotional products   and promote the ‘Below the Stacks’ mural week-long
        and volunteers were honored by the Michigan Works!   industry with the Presidential Leadership Award. Her   festival held throughout the Lansing area. Siso feels
        Association  at  its  annual  conference  in  Kalamazoo.   dedication to this over 23 billion dollar industry was   that no one loves his downtown “street” as  much
        Capital Area Michigan  Works! business services   culminated by many successful trade shows, political   as he does and he looks forward to promoting all

            For all your commercial real estate needs.

            The choice is clear.


       • 517.487.9222

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