Page 26 - 1222 LRCC Jan 2023 FOCUS
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announce that five staff members School Board. Glasscoe will serve a called “Tell A Friend.” The intent
have advanced to new roles in the one-year term. was to get women to motivate
organization. Melissa Nay, CTA, is their friends and family to get a
now the GLCVB's membership and Union Bank mammogram. Now, almost 30
community outreach manager. has announced years later, the artwork has found a
Lori Lanspeary, CTA, has advanced the addition of new home inside McLaren Greater
to marketing and community a new Board Lansing's Breast Imaging Center.
engagement manager. Brandie Member, Robin
Putnam, CMP, CTA, has been Kleinjans- Effective Nov. 1, 2022, Rehmann
elevated to senior convention McKee, CPA. continued its expansion into
services manager. Other role She is the the Florida market with the
advancements include Anne current chief announcement of a business
Lavender, CTA, who is now an Kleinjans-McKee financial combination with Orlando-based
executive assistant to the CEO, and officer for Vestal & Wiler, one of the most
Valeri Gill, CTA, who is the creative Open Systems Technologies, comprehensive CPA firms in
services manager. headquartered in Grand Rapids. Central Florida. The partnership
unified two firms with a deep
CBRE is pleased to announce Steve COMPANY NEWS understanding of the particular
Hershfield's promotion to vice needs of middle-market clientele.
president and thanks him for his Sparrow has launched its fifth
hard work and dedication. innovative 24-week Medical Ingham Intermediate School
Assistant Apprenticeship class, District (ISD) is seeking eligible
Shawn Turner which provides one-on-one, hands- families throughout the Lansing
has been on instruction by Sparrow's highly area to participate in the nationally-
named general skilled caregivers. Sparrow covers ranked Great Start Readiness
manager of the entire cost of the program, Program (GSRP). Families with
WKAR Public including tuition, books, scrubs, children who are four-years-old
Media at and wages during clinical hours. by December 1, 2022, and whose
Michigan State This new class includes eight household income is less than
University, students who successfully met the 250 percent of the federal poverty
effective testing requirements and have level are eligible for tuition-free
December 1, committed to serving as a Sparrow preschool through the GSRP
2022. In addition Medical Assistant for two years after program. There are immediate
to his role as general manager, graduation in March 2023. openings in the school districts
Turner is a professor of practice in of Dansville, Holt, Lansing,
the College of Communication Arts The accounting firms of Maner Leslie, Stockbridge, Webberville,
and Sciences at MSU and a national Costerisan and Hall & Romkema, and Williamston. To apply to
security communication analyst for PLC recently announced a merger. the GSRP program, visit www.
CNN. Beginning Jan. 1, 2023, Hall & or call
Romkema, PLC is now recognized 517.244.1246 for assistance. Parents
BOARD OF DIRECTORS & as Maner Costerisan. The merged will need documentation of their
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE practices will retain the name household income, the child's date
UPDATES Maner Costerisan, and offices will of birth, and the family's address to
be in the current Maner Costerisan submit their application.
Lansing Community College headquarters at 2425 East Grand
Trustees Ryan Buck, Angela River Ave., Suite 1, Lansing. The Richardson & Richardson
Mathews and Robert Proctor all team at Maner Costerisan can be Consulting, ThreatLocker , a multi-
won re-election to LCC's Board of contacted at 517.323.7500. disciplinary business consultancy
Trustees on Nov. 8. Each will serve service, announced it raised over
a six-year term. Trustees Buck and Nearly three decades ago, a piece $200,000 for five charities: Hackers
Mathews were first elected to the of artwork was commissioned by for Vets, Women Who Code, Bits
Board in 2016. Trustee Proctor an advertising firm that was doing N' Bytes, Diversity Cyber Council,
was first elected in 2003 and will pro bono work for the American and Bike Walk Wichita. Husband
now serve his fourth term. Dr. Cancer Society. The goal of the and wife duo Ian and Carrie
Toni Glasscoe, LCC's Associate artwork was to encourage women Richardson doubled their initial
Vice President for External Affairs, in underserved populations to goal of $100,000 with the "Shave
Development & K-12 Operations, get mammograms. The program that Beard for Charity" event at this
was elected to the Grand Ledge that the art was attached to was month's IT Nation Connect 2022.