Page 14 - LRCC September 2022 Focus
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ECONOMIC CLUB                                                        FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  SEPTEMBER 2022

        MSU President Samuel L. Stanley, Jr. to Highlight Fall

        Economic Club Speaker Line-up

                ichigan State University                        strategic plan, which puts the success of students,
                President Samuel L.                             faculty, and staff, and growing its impact on the
        MStanley, Jr. will highlight an                         regional community, among its key objectives.
        outstanding series of Economic Club
        programs scheduled for the fall of                      NOVEMBER 1
        2022. President Stanley will make
        his second appearance before the                        Since 2006, the Celebration of Regional Growth
        Economic Club when he speaks on                         Awards (CORG) has recognized more than 70 large
        October 4th. Other topics this fall                     and small companies for economic investments that
        include a panel discussion on food                      are transforming our region. The CORG Awards is a
        insecurity, the annual Celebration   Stanley            must-attend Lansing Economic Club event. Join us on
        of Regional Growth Awards, and                          November 1st as we welcome the newest class of CORG
        the annual economic forecast for the coming year in     recipients.
        December. Please save these dates and make your
        reservations now for each of the upcoming Economic      DECEMBER 13
        Club programs:
                                                                Always an Economic Club favorite, the December
        SEPTEMBER 13                                            program will feature a 2023 economic forecast. What
                                                                does the future look like for inflation, the stock market,
        The September Lansing Economic Club will feature        supply chains, jobs, and more? How will Michigan and
        a panel discussion that includes Claire Babineaux-      the auto industry fare in the coming year? Get the
        Fontenot, CEO of Feeding America, and Dr. Phil Knight,   inside scoop on December 13th.
        executive director of Food Bank Council of Michigan.
        The program will focus on how food insecurity impacts   We are looking forward to our upcoming fall lineup
        every business, from employees and their families,      of distinguished speakers. The events will be held
        clients and potential clients, and the communities in   from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Kellogg Hotel and
        which they operate. This program will be moderated by   Banquet Center. Tickets and tables can be purchased
        Michelle Lantz, CEO of Greater Lansing Food Bank.       for individual events, and pro-rated Economic Club
                                                                memberships are also available.
        OCTOBER 4
                                                                Please visit for the fall series
        The event will feature Michigan State University        upcoming events and programs. l
        president Samuel L. Stanley, Jr., M.D. President Stanley
        will discuss MSU’s vision as expressed in its MSU 2030

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