Page 23 - June 2023 FOCUS Magazine
P. 23                                        SPECIAL SECTION: LRCC 2023 ANNUAL DINNER

        CASE Credit Union Receives Diversity Star Award

        By: Cionne Casanova, Kolt Communications, Inc

              ASE Credit Union has been named                                                 where he has been
              the recipient of the Diversity                                                  serving for the last 13
        CStar Award for its outstanding                                                       years. He has made it
        commitment to fostering equality and                                                  his mission to make
        diversity in the workplace. This award                                                sure the company’s
        which is presented by the Lansing                                                     actions reflect what
        Regional Chamber of Commerce                                                          they stand by.
        (LRCC) and the Lansing Economic Area
        Partnership (LEAP) is given to companies                              “When I first got into my role there was
        and organizations inside of the Lansing                               definitely a lot of work to be done, we’ve
        area that show what it means to not only                              been very intentional in promoting
        create inclusive environments, but also                               diversity not only our board but our
        support the underserved.                                              employes as well so that everyone feels
                                                                              they have a voice here. Our employee
        “I was born and raised in Lansing. As a                               base as of now stands at around 35-40%
        child I was bused to all white schools                                for diverse peoples.”
        as they started to desegregate them so
        from an early age equality was a huge part of my life,”   CASE is also a Community Development Financial
        said Jeffrey Benson, president & CEO, CASE Credit Union.  Institution (CDFI) making sure that at least 60% of their
                                                                total lending/services benefit low-income communities.
        Benson has been in the credit union industry for over 30   CASE also takes pride in helping the unbanked and
        years and carried his experience into his position at CASE   underserved by providing services like Responsible
                                                                Rides, which provides car loans to people with low
                                                                credit scores as long as they show they are have some
                                                                sort of income and a few other minor factors. They
                                                                also have Ingham Country jail program that provides
                                                                financial literacy for inmates who once released can
                                                                open a CASE account.

                                                                                  “Credit unions were founded on
                                                                                   people helping people and we really
                                                                                   live by that. Not just affluent people
                                                                                   but everybody deserves to have
                                                                                   financial services. I am so humbled
                                                                                   to receive an award like this because
                                                                                   we live this every single day,” said
                                                                                   Benson. “It is so important that
                                                                                   we reflect the community that
                                                                                   we are in. When you walk into a
                                                                                   CASE Credit Union you should feel
                                                                comfortable working with us and comfortable that we
                                                                will understand you as an individual.”

                                                                Benson doesn’t plan to stop there either. With current
                                                                ideas in the works for programs they already have in
                                                                place, as well as a staff invested in seeing what they can
                                                                do next,there is no end to the work that can be done to
                                                                continue to serve the community.

                                                               “Our work is never going to stop,” said Benson. “We’re
                                                                going to continue to be intentional with making sure
                                                                diversity, equity and inclusivity is a part of who we are.” l

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