Page 32 - June 2023 FOCUS Magazine
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self-awareness, communication, to announce the they have continued to make
influence, and learning agility. If you appointment meaningful progress towards their
take these skills and add in someone of Susan mission of creating opportunities
who is visible both in the community Hengesbach and transforming the lives of
and at the hospital he works for, to her second these they serve. The full report is
someone who isn’t afraid of tough term, for the next available at
work and decisions, and someone three years as a
who ultimately supports his team and member of the
is considered a mentor by most, you 2023 Foundation
will have Kirk Ray, president and CEO Hengesbach Leadership Board.
of McLaren Greater Lansing. Ray The mission is
is celebrating five years at McLaren to help provide McLaren Hospital
Greater Lansing and the many with the resources needed to bring
achievements that were reached the best technology and physician-
under his leadership during his career led solutions to the community to
at the hospital. provide annual goals.
The law firm of Loomis, Ewert, PEOPLE NEWS
Parsley, Davis & Gotting is pleased
to announce that attorneys James F. Margaret Tandem Studios is pleased to
Anderton V, Kenneth W. Beall, Sara Dimond, Ph.D., announce the launch of its new
L. Cunningham, Michael A. Holmes, an innovative website, featuring a completely
Paula K. Manis, Michael G. Oliva, and experienced redesigned look and a new,
Michael H. Rhodes, and Jeffrey healthcare robust portfolio of graphic design,
S. Theuer have been recognized leader, began branding, and marketing projects.
by their peers as Leading Business her new job as Learn more about how Tandem
Lawyers in Michigan, featured in President of E.W. Studios can help elevate your brand
Leading Lawyers magazine. Sparrow Hospital by visiting
in Lansing in
BOARD OF DIRECTORS & Dimond May. She is the
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE first female to hold this prestigious
UPDATES position in the hospital’s 127-year
Gillespie Group announced the
name of their Medical Services
Building, opening June 2023 in the
University Health Park, as the “Izzo
Family Medical Center” named after LAFCU partnered with Perry High
Michigan State University’s Basketball School on March 21 for a hands-on,
Coach Tom Izzo, his wife Lupe, and two-hour Financial Reality Fair to
their family. The naming opportunity teach 150 students how to make
was presented to the Izzo family to real-world financial decisions
honor the positive contributions they and manage money efficiently.
Highfields Inc. has welcomed new have made in the community over Students were assigned a career,
board members, including: Robert the past 27 years. an annual income, and a credit
Burgee, Fraser Trebilcock; Kellee score. After being assigned a
Christensen, Board of Water and COMPANY NEWS career, students visited booths
Light; Carol Giacoletto, Retired, JP staffed by LAFCU employees with
Morgan Chase; Jarrod Lynch, Plante Origami Rehabilitation is honored their budget sheets to identify
Moran; Taylor Moberg, MSUFCU, to present this year's Annual monthly expenses, such as housing,
Jeff Roman, CG Financial Services; Report. 2022 was another record transportation, food, and leisure. At
Shannon Scholten, AF Group and year of significant growth as the final station, a LAFCU financial
Amanda Toy, Michigan Chamber of they worked tirelessly to support counselor assisted students in
Commerce. individuals with neurological, evaluating their choices and
developmental, mental health, and exploring ways to improve their
McLaren Greater Lansing orthopedic conditions. Despite financial decision-making.
Foundation is pleased and honored the challenges of the past year,