Page 27 - LRCC October 2024 FOCUS
P. 27                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

        PROMOTIONS                           APPOINTMENTS                                           Mason-based
                                                                                                    Dart Bank
                          Lansing’s Capitol                    PNC has                              has appointed
                          National has                         appointed Leslie                     Sahil Goswami
                          named Joseph                         Batchelor as                         as senior vice
                          Campbell                             vice president,                      president and
                          as its bank                          client, and                          head of fintech.
                          president and                        community                            He will expand
                          newest member                        relations                            Dart Bank’s
                          of its board                         director for the    Goswami          presence across
                          of directors.                        Mid-Michigan                         all fintech
                          Campbell has                         region. In this     verticals, including digital assets,
        Campbell                             Batchelor
                          served the                           role, Batchelor     gaming, banking-as-a-service, and
        bank since 2020 as vice president    will direct the local PNC Foundation   payments platforms. Goswami
        of commercial lending. Retiring      grant process and manage PNC’s        brings to Dart Bank a decade of
        president Ed Harden will continue    sponsorships in the region. Before    fintech experience and a bachelor’s
        to serve as a member of the bank’s   coming to PNC, Batchelor held         degree in economics from Emory
        board of directors. Campbell is      leadership positions at Sparrow       University. He is currently pursuing
        the bank’s fifth president in its    Health System, most recently          his Executive M.B.A. at Columbia
        42-year history. He has 22 years of   serving as director of health equity   University. Goswami started his
        experience in commercial lending.    and community partnerships.           career as a mortgage analyst, where
        Prior to his banking career, he      Batchelor’s board memberships         his responsibilities included merging
        owned and operated Campbell          include the ATHENA Women’s            fintech and crypto initiatives. He
        Catering for 19 years. Campbell is an   Interest Network and the Capital   has worked for TIAA, New York Life
        MSU graduate.                        Area Health Alliance.                 Investments, New York Life Ventures,
                                                                                   and MVB Bank.

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