Page 30 - LRCC May FOCUS 2024
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Financial Technology, Inc. of East
Lansing has been named to the
National Association of Plan Advisors’
list of the nation’s top-defined
contribution advisor teams. This is the
seventh consecutive year the firm
has been recognized for its expertise
in 401(K) plans. Financial Technology,
Inc. has been in business since 1980
and serves the greater Lansing
area and the state of Michigan in K-12 program that encourages Origami Rehabilitation hosted its
providing retirement plan, investment, students to discover STEM (science, annual “An Evening of Reflections”
and group insurance services. The technology, engineering, and event at Peckham Inc.’s headquarters
Financial Technology, Inc.’s top- math) through hands-on robotics in March. This inspiring event allowed
defined contribution advisor team building and competition. The attendees to hear stories of resilience,
includes Dick Herrold, John Gingas, consortium of teams known as courage, and recovery firsthand. This
Michael Cantor, Brian Shepard, and Capital Area Robotics was recently year’s theme focused on the story of
Sara Frank-Hepfer. established to bring FIRST to schools trauma and recovery and featured
in Ingham, Clinton, and Shiawassee four storytellers.
counties. This year, the four founding
members of Capital Area Robotics Resch Strategies is celebrating
earned the Impact Award at their 15 years in business in 2024. The
respective district events: Tractor public affairs and digital marketing
Technicians #3655 (Mason High firm is headquartered in downtown
School), RoboRams #6078 (Holt High Lansing and serves a diverse list
School), Red Thunder Robotics #7166 of corporate, nonprofit, and trade
(Laingsburg High School), and Error association clients. Its team of eight
404 #7226 (Waverly High School). public affairs professionals offers
The Impact Award recognizes the advocacy, communications, and
Danielle Robinson, vice president
of corporate communications and teams’ efforts to promote FIRST to its digital marketing services.
responsibility at Jackson, with a Junior community. Teams that qualified at
Achievement class. the Michigan State Championship The Lansing Economic Area
include Laingsburg, Mason, and Partnership — in collaboration
Junior Achievement of Mid Michigan, Waverly high schools. Those with Lansing region stakeholders
a division of Junior Achievement teams advanced to the National Michigan State University,
of the Michigan Great Lakes, has Championship. Michigan State University Research
received $130,000 in financial support Foundation, University of Michigan
from Jackson National Life Insurance COMPANY NEWS Health-Sparrow, Michigan Economic
Co., the main operating subsidiary of Development Corp., Neogen,
Jackson Financial Inc. The gift was Niowave, MichBio, Emergent
given as part of Financial Literacy BioSolutions, and McLaren Greater
Month in April. Jackson has served as Lansing — unveiled in April the
a Junior Achievement of the Michigan brand launch of Michigan’s Health
Great Lakes partner since 2007, Downtown Lansing Inc., the Core. The new brand identity aims
providing financial and volunteer management agency championing to grow and attract new businesses
support. Junior Achievement of Mid the revitalization of downtown in health, medical technology,
Michigan is dedicated to educating Lansing, recently announced a new life sciences, and advanced
students about workforce readiness, website and refreshed brand. The new manufacturing to the Lansing
entrepreneurship, and financial Downtown Lansing brand is intended region. The brand development
literacy through experiential, hands- to reflect the organization’s objective and launch followed research and
on programs. to preserve and protect the history data analysis that culminated in the
and culture of Michigan’s downtown Lansing region’s first Life Sciences
Four local student robotics teams area while illuminating a path forward. and MedTech game plan strategy
are forging a path to bring FIRST to The refreshed Downtown Lansing in late 2022, as well as two MedTech
each district in mid-Michigan. FIRST, website,, accelerator programs in late 2022
an acronym for “For Inspiration is designed to be an information hub and throughout 2023. The Economic
and Recognition of Science and and haven for visitors, residents, and Development Administration
Technology,” is an international locals alike. provides primary funding. l