Page 19 - LRCC March 2024 FOCUS
P. 19                                                                            ATHENA WIN

        Sparrow & ATHENA WIN:

        Empowering Women
        in Business

        By Leslie Batchelor, Director of Health Equity and
        Community Partnerships, Sparrow & Board Chair,
        ATHENA Women’s Interest Network

           n March, we celebrate Women’s
           History Month and, fittingly,
       Ithis month’s FOCUS Magazine
        cover story is features women in
        business. Here in Lansing, we were
        history in the making when a local                        2024 ATHENA WIN Events
        businessperson, Martha Mertz,
        founded ATHENA International                              & Programming Calendar –
        more than 40 years ago.                                   Save the Dates!

        Sparrow, soon to be known as
        UM Health-Sparrow, is proud to                            ATHENA Women’s Interest Network (WIN)
        support women in leadership by                            offers a wide range of events and programs
        providing a wide array of growth                          that equip women in Mid-Michigan with the
        and development opportunities        Here’s to all        tools, information and connections they need
        within our organization. These       our women            to succeed in their careers. We invite you to
        opportunities include mentoring      leaders              connect with us during upcoming events. More
        programs, educational                                     information about ATHENA WIN and event
        advancement, and a Women in          and those            registration is available at
        STEM resource group. In fact, it was   that support       athenawin.
        eight courageous and dedicated       them – we
        women who founded Sparrow                                 PROFESSIONAL GROWTH &
        hospital over 125 years ago and,     salute you!"         DEVELOPMENT SERIES
        currently, the majority of our
        leadership positions throughout                             •  March 7 | Authentic Leadership
        our health system are held by women.                        •  June
                                                                    •  August
        Sparrow is equally proud to support the Lansing             •  October
        Regional Chamber of Commerce and ATHENA
        Women’s Interest Network (WIN) and have benefitted        GIRLS’ NIGHT OUT EVENT SERIES
        greatly from our membership. I encourage anyone
        interested in connecting with a group of inclusive and      •  May (first week) | Floral-making event
        dynamic female leaders to join us at an upcoming            •  September 11 | Dimondale Kayak
        ATHENA WIN event.                                           •  November 7 | Holiday Event

        So, remember, as we recognize women throughout            GIRLS’ NIGHT OUT MEET-UP SERIES
        history and those making an impact here locally
        among our businesses, the ATHENA leadership                 •  March 13 | Lansing Shuffle
        principles that continue to remain true:                    •  July 10 | Lansing Shuffle
                                                                    •  October 16 | (Location TBD)
        Live Authentically, Learn Constantly, Build
        Relationships, Foster Collaboration, Act Courageously,    SIGNATURE EVENTS
        Advocate Fiercely, Give Back and Celebrate.
                                                                    •  July 31 | Summer Social
        Here’s to all our women leaders and those who support       •  September 26 (Tentative Date) | Evening of
        them – we salute you! l                                       Empowerment

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