Page 3 - LRCC March 2024 FOCUS
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                                                                      on the cover

                                                                      WOMEN IN BUSINESS:
                                                                      BUSINESSWOMEN SHAPE
                                                                      SUCCESSFUL CAREERS
                                                                      WITH GRIT AND DEDICATION

                                                                      MEMBER NEWS

                                                                      08  Unfolding Careers & Transforming
                                                                          Lives: Origami’s Recipe for a Supportive
                                                                          Work Culture
                                                                      CHAMBER NEWS

                                                                      10  Meet the New Lansing Regional Chamber
                                                                          Board Members
                                                                      12  Unlock Employee Growth & Business
                                                                          Success: Explore LRCC’s Programs-at-
                                                                          a-Glance Web Page

          14                                                              Key Policy and Political Insights for Greater
                                                                      18  First Friday Public Affairs Call Update Delivers
                                                                          Lansing Businesses
                                                                      18  Lansing Chamber Advocates for Sustainable
                                                                          Growth with Rebuild Lansing Plan

                                                                      ATHENA WIN
                                                                      19  Sparrow & ATHENA WIN: Empowering Women
          monthly features                                                in Business
                                                                      19  2024 ATHENA WIN Events & Programming
          05  Message from the Chamber                                    Calendar – Save the Dates!
          06  Thank You Renewing Members                              DIVERSITY & INCLUSION
          06  Chamber Milestones                                      21  Black Businesswomen Build Community with
          06  Welcome New Members                                         New Roundtable Group

          07  Calendar of Events                                      FOCUS ON TALENT
          09  Chamber in Action                                       22  Leadership Lansing Participants Gain Certified
                                                                          Tourism Ambassador Certification
          24  Members on the Move
                                                                      23  Capital-Area Leaders Work Together
                                                                          to Bring Career-Connected Courses to
                                                                          High Schoolers

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