Page 7 - Living light - The Psalms
P. 7

Teach me your way, Lord; lead me in a straight path...
Psalm 27:11
TO GOD: Father, thank you for your unchanging word of life and truth, upholding everything that exists.
FOR THE CHURCH: Father, forgive our disregard for your word; may your church elevate your word and preach it faithfully no matter the cost.
FOR THE WORLD: Father, may the church declare with power the gospel message of Christ, the Saviour of the world. Raise up a generation of men and women, bold in faith and action.
FOR OUR NATION: Father, may your Holy Spirit move in power, convicting of error and promoting holy living. May our laws be righteous and just.
FOR OUR FRIENDS: Father, may my life declare and demonstrate the reality of eternal life in ways that both challenge and attract my friends to come to faith.
FOR MYSELF: Father, may I have a teachable heart, desiring to know you in ever deeper ways, growing in love for and dependence on you.
  Father please uphold and strengthen all those who call the Prayerline. Please fill them afresh. AMEN.
 Living Light is also available as daily email with audio option, online flipbook and Kindle.
See page 35 for details or call:
01277 367124
You may have had difficulty in getting through to our Listening Line at times during the past year. Resources have been largely dependent on Volunteers, and as donations have also diminished, we’ve struggled to run the reliable service we desire.
After much thought and prayer, we have come to the difficult and sad decision to cease the Listening Line and it will therefore close on Friday 21st June 2024.
Going forward, we will decide what activities to focus on, and perhaps develop. We are also working to make the Trust financially self-sufficient, without needing to rely on the Trustees.
If you’d like prayer in the future then you might like to ring one of the following:
UCB Prayerline: 01782 36 3000 Premier Lifeline: 0300 111 0101 NTCG Line: 020 3813 1569
 It has been a privilege to listen and pray with all those who have called the Listening Line in the past. May the Lord be near to you and provide His strength in your time of need.

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