Page 25 - Living Light 87
P. 25
Wednesday December 25 - He will reign The government will be on his shoulders. Isaiah 9:6
Happy Christmas! Today we think of a newborn baby: Jesus. He is one who rules, reigns and governs; an odd thing to imagine of a baby lying in a manger! In July, the people of the United Kingdom elected a government to serve and rule for a period of up to five years. Jesus’ rule is not determined by election and is not for a fixed period. We are summoned to submit to his just and gentle rule and it will be forever (Isaiah 9:7). Jesus’ kingly rule is marked by justice and righteousness, forever. He doesn’t make campaigning promises only to break them later; he is faithful and true!
When Mary gave birth to the baby Jesus and when she subsequently looked down on this vulnerable little bundle of humanity in the manger, she was aware of this greater picture because she had been told months earlier by the angel that her child would be enthroned and would reign over his kingdom forever (Luke 1:32-33). His kingdom is not determined by geographical or electoral boundaries; it is established in the hearts and minds of all those who acknowledge him as their king. And a day will come when everyone will know and recognise that he is King of kings and Lord of lords. But, for today, we remember that the cradle came before the cross and the crown.
Lord Jesus, may your reign of justice and righteousness be clearly seen in my life; to your honour and glory. Amen.
Thursday December 26 - Wonderful Counsellor He will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6
In this prophetic text from Isaiah, the word translated ‘wonderful’ means beyond comparison or comprehension. This adjective packs a punch! As for the Counsellor, he is full of wisdom, knowledge and insight. Although in John 14:16 Jesus speaks of the Father sending ‘another Counsellor’ to be with his disciples forever, the word ‘Counsellor’ is not entirely the same as the Messiah figure promised in Isaiah’s prophecy. Nevertheless, there is enough overlap to recognise that the description readily fits Jesus and the Spirit. By promising another Counsellor, it implies that the Spirit is another like Jesus: the Spirit takes on the baton from Jesus.
I have been a Christian for about fifty-five years; the older I get the more I recognise my need of the wonderful Counsellor. I lack the natural wisdom, knowledge and insight to effectively govern my own life. I am so grateful that Jesus promised, by his Spirit, to take up residence in my life. Jesus has all the kingly wisdom I need and it is comforting to know that his Spirit can make his reign effective in my life. Why should I make a mess of my life when the counsel of Jesus can be my constant guide and governor?
Loving Lord, please rule my life with your wisdom, knowledge and insight. I need your direction each and every day. You are a wonderful Counsellor and I praise you. Amen.