Page 65 - Living Light 87
P. 65

Friday February 14 - Generosity breeds generosity “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you...”
Matthew 7:12
Pair this verse with Galatians 6:7 – ‘A man reaps what he sows.’ Jesus is highlighting an important principle in scripture: what you do has a ripple effect, either for or against the kingdom of God.
When I first arrived as a single missionary in Colombia, two families in particular showed incredible generosity of hospitality, inviting me to live in their homes and treating me as part of their families. They gave me value and connection in a place where I was totally unknown. Aside from the incredible gratitude I felt, this also engendered a ‘ripple effect’ response in me – having received such wonderful hospitality inspired me to want to host others, and my husband and I have been able to host countless missionaries and travellers in our own home. It has been a rich and rewarding experience that has come easily and naturally out of the overflow of hospitality which I received.
This example shows the impact of a positive overflow, but experiencing condemnation can generate equally negative ripples. If someone feels condemned they are far more likely to condemn others, creating an ever-increasing overflow of alienation, bitterness and isolation. No wonder Jesus warns against it – such ripples are completely contrary to his kingdom! What ripples are you investing in? How is your behaviour helping or hindering the kingdom of God?
Lord Jesus, help me to be part of establishing your kingdom in my attitudes and behaviour, not to be part of tearing it down. Amen.
Saturday February 15 - The choice that leads to life “Enter through the narrow gate... that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
Matthew 7:13-14
Many films hang a moment of suspense on a decision with opposite outcomes. This way or that way? Should I or shouldn’t I? Stay or leave? The classic has to be Neo in the ‘The Matrix’; does he take the red pill and discover the truth behind the Matrix, or the blue pill and forget that anything ever happened? Such decisions have two, and only two, possible outcomes. There is no middle ground. The same is true of ‘the narrow gate and the wide gate’. Jesus explains the decision clearly. There is a choice, a process, a consequence. You cannot walk in both paths.
Are you in that moment of suspense? Which path to choose? The sad truth for Jesus is that he knows very few make the right choice. They consider it too difficult. And it is difficult. Walking along a narrow path involves much more concentration, discipline and motivation than on a wide path. Many give up, wander off, or even question whether it’s worth it.
The key to sticking with Jesus’ path is knowing that it “leads to life”. The struggle we face in this process is worth it when we understand that the outcome is LIFE. What right now feels like a restricted pathway will ultimately bring glorious freedom.
Whatever your struggle today, I encourage you to remember that Jesus himself is the Way (John 14:6). He leads to life and he is worth it!
Lord Jesus, help me to keep on the narrow path. I choose you. I choose life. Please give me strength to keep going. Amen.

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