Page 11 - Living Light Autumn 23
P. 11

Friday September 8 - Remember who’s in charge
The Lord said to him, “Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? ...Is it not I, the Lord?” Exodus 4:11
There’s no denying that God’s calling on Moses’ life, to lead the people of Israel out of slavery in Egypt into the Promised Land, was a huge and challenging one. As we’ve seen this week, Moses initially didn’t feel he was the right one for the task. Presenting what he thought were legitimate reasons, Moses tried to talk God out of his choice. God, however, wasn’t having any of it and eventually gave Moses a reality check. He reminded Moses that he, the One talking to him out of the burning bush, was the one in charge, not the other way round. It was a lesson Moses learned well and over time it transformed him!
Remembering who God is always helps put things in perspective. No matter how insecure or uncertain we’re feeling, when we stop focusing on ourselves and instead focus on God, we also get a reality check. It’s then God can remind us that it’s not all about us and the here and now, but it’s about God’s own plans and purposes. It’s true that God is always concerned about ‘the one’ (the individual – you and me), but he’s also concerned about nations and generations, and he gives us the opportunity to play our part in the great work of salvation and redemption that he’s doing in the world. God is the one in charge. He’s the Creator and Sustainer and we can trust him.
Father God, help me keep my attention focused on you, remembering that you’re the one in charge. Amen.
Saturday September 9 - “Now go...”
“Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.” Exodus 4:12
To help us learn about overcoming self-doubt, we’ve been looking at the calling Moses received from God at the burning bush. As we conclude the week, it comes down to the instruction, “Now go.” There’s another example in Gideon’s story. Judges 6:14 says, ‘The Lord turned to Gideon and said, “Go in the strength you have... Am I not sending you?”’ And, of course, Jesus told his disciples to “...go into all the world...” when he gave the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).
It’s important to know that for all of us, like Moses, Gideon and Jesus’ disciples, it will always come down to the instruction, “Now go.” This could mean moving into a new calling God has put on your life, or it could simply be doing something from the Bible that we’re all called to do, like telling someone about Jesus or praying for a sick friend. How we respond to the instruction “Now go” will show us whether we’re still stuck in self-doubt or if we’ve begun to overcome it.
The good news is that when God tells us to go, he commits to going with us. He told Gideon he would be with him; he told Moses he would help and teach him; and because Jesus’ promise to the disciples to always be with them is true for us, we can also go!
Thank you Lord God that whenever you say go, I don’t go alone. You’ll be with me every step of the way. Amen.

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