Page 9 - Living Light Autumn 23
P. 9

Mon September 4 - Remember what’s in your hand
Then the Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?” “A staff,” he replied. Exodus 4:2
God sees so much more in us than we see in ourselves. He sees our true potential and all we’re capable of being and doing when we give ourselves and submit to him. We, however, can be riddled with self-doubt and wonder if we’re capable of doing anything important or worthwhile at all. Many suffer from ‘imposter syndrome,’ meaning that in whatever they are doing they feel like they’re faking it, and that someone is going to call their bluff and expose that they aren’t really up to the job. It’s an insecure and miserable way to live and it is not what God wants for us.
Yesterday we left Moses asking God a fearful “What if...?” question. God was calling Moses to do something he didn’t feel equipped to do, so Moses immediately thought of objections, doing his best to rule himself out. God, however, saw the situation differently and asked Moses what was in his hand. God wanted to take what was known and familiar to Moses, but then transform and use it supernaturally.
God also asks us, “What’s in your hand?” We may downplay and undervalue ourselves, but God sees what we carry and he can use those things that are known and familiar to us to demonstrate his power and goodness to us, and through us – if we’ll let him.
Lord, thank you for wanting to use me. Help me to see what it is that I carry, and submit it to your transforming power. Amen.
Tuesday September 5 - Stop running away
The Lord said, “Throw it on the ground.” Moses threw it on the ground and
it became a snake, and he ran from it. Exodus 4:3
In the Bible there are many examples of those who argued, resisted and did their best to run away from what the Lord asked of them. This helps us to know that, when we’re tempted to run away from what the Lord wants to do in and through our lives, we are not the first or the only ones! Moses ran from his staff – no longer a common, dependable, everyday accessory and tool, but now something supernatural and frightening when used as God instructed. Likewise, we can find ourselves overwhelmed or intimidated by what God does when we obey him.
Although God is patient and kind to us, he is not required to do only what we understand and feel comfortable with. God is bigger, greater and better than we realise, and there will be times when he will surprise us and do something we never expected – like turning Moses’ staff into a snake! However, if like Moses we return and continue to obey, we’ll see that God is teaching and preparing us to grow into what he has for us. We don’t have to understand it, but we do have to trust him. Personally, I’ve found that the Lord is always wanting to stretch my comfort zone, so I’ve gradually learned that it’s best to stop running away and instead to trust and obey.
Lord, when I have the choice to trust or run away, help me to choose trust, leading to growth in you. Amen.

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