Page 49 - Living Light Autumn 23
P. 49

Wednesday October 25 - What is God doing?
When the Israelites saw it, they said to each other, “What is it?” For they
did not know what it was. Exodus 16:15
In Genesis 45:16-20, Pharaoh invites Joseph’s entire family to Egypt, providing for their every need. God’s provision feels good, yet it is only one of the seasons we experience in our faith journey. There are seasons requiring determined faith. In Genesis 22, Joseph’s great- grandfather Abraham is asked by God to sacrifice his son Isaac on Mount Moriah. When Isaac is spared, Abraham names the place ‘Jehovah Jireh’, meaning ‘the Lord Will Provide’ (Genesis 22:14). The pre-provision season requires determined faith to keep believing!
There are also seasons when, praise the Lord, miraculous provision arrives! As a new believer, I remember praying, “Lord, I need £250 – today please!” Suddenly, a friend knocked at my door with £350 he’d owed me for six months! The day of provision is a good day!
Thirdly, there are seasons when provision seems to evaporate. Exodus 1:8 says that a Pharaoh arose who did not know about Joseph, and thus Israel’s bondage began. This season was marked by suffering and powerlessness. We can very quickly forget our previous season of provision and the need to maintain determined faith.
The provision of manna in the wilderness led the Israelites to ask, “What is it?” We can easily misunderstand God’s hand of provision, but most importantly, whatever our season, let us always remember that Jehovah Jireh is consistently working in our lives. Faith simply means we confidently know it.
Jehovah Jireh, help me to keep moving in faith, to recognise your provision, and not fear the future. My times are in your hands. Amen.
Thursday October 26 - Go tell it on the mountain
Moses said to them, “It is the bread the Lord has given you to eat.”
Exodus 16:15
So, the Lord gave the Israelites bread. Is ‘feeding’ the only purpose of it though? In Isaiah 49:6, God says, “I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.”
It’s important that we share the provision of God with others, so that non-Christians might experience God’s hand through us. This can be done in at least two ways:
Firstly, we put our money where our mouth is. We support someone who is struggling, or sponsor those who are walking for a good cause. In short, we give outside of our church giving, as a witness to those who have not yet seen the provision of God directly for themselves.
Secondly, we testify about what God has provided in our lives. I spoke at a mental health conference called ‘Celebrating Diversity’ – an arena not always warm to evangelical theology. I said that we judge mental health patients, assuming their ‘God talk’ is psychosis. I then shared how God had spoken direction into my life, saying that as a mental health professional they couldn’t judge me so harshly. The conference organiser contacted me a few days later to say that out of the whole day my talk had scored highest on the feedback forms!
If God has given you ‘manna from heaven’, share it and tell it. People are hungry.
Father, help me to be a channel for you to speak your provision into the world. I want people to see Jesus. Amen.

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