Page 29 - Living Light 88
P. 29

Monday March 31 - A lying tongue
There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him... a lying tongue... Proverbs 6:16-17
I find that making a list is often a helpful thing to do. When I’m going to the supermarket I will make a list of the items I want to bring home – after consulting my wife, of course! If I have lots of things to deal with in the day and I’m feeling overwhelmed, I make a list of them all and then they don’t seem so overwhelming. Lists make it less likely that we shall miss something really important. So here in Proverbs we have a list of things which God detests, because they are destructive to
usS.econd in the list is ‘a lying tongue’. If we are a habitual liar it will damage our relationships and cause great hurt to those we lie about, and in the end harm our community. But it will also get us into trouble and eventually distort our whole being.
That is why God detests lies. Telling lies may often seem an easy way out of a tricky situation. Lies can seem like a way to avoid upsetting people; they can protect us from rejection. Surely they’re only words? BUT it was lies which convicted Jesus, even when he was innocent, and nailed him to the cross. It was a lie which caused Adam to commit the first sin. Lies remain seriously damaging.
Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ, that you spoke the truth to your disciples, even when it challenged them deeply. Help me to learn to always speak the truth in love. Amen.
Tuesday April 1 - Hands that shed innocent blood
There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him... hands that shed innocent blood... Proverbs 6:16-17
Everyday we hear of terrible crimes being committed. Recently, a young man apparently shot his mother and then his brother and sister, and a nurse caused the death of premature babies, not by some lack of care but intentionally. There are shootings between drug gangs where often it is an innocent bystander who dies. People are killed by drunk drivers, or an elderly man walking his dog is stabbed by a teenager.
Of course, the impact is most severe on the victim; even if they survive the physical attack, they may have life-changing injuries and trauma. But every member of the family and the whole community is affected, through loss, grief, guilt, fear and a lack of trust. Arbitrary violence is a corrosive force in society. It is also very difficult to reverse! We all abhor it.
And so does God. For he longs for us to grow up in a peaceful and secure context. That is why we are encouraged to pray for those in authority, ‘that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness’ (1 Timothy 2:2).
But each of us has a part to play. We are called to pray for those who risk their lives to keep us safe, for medical care for those with mental illness and for a fairer society.
Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ, that you suffered unjust violence and did so without seeking revenge but offering forgiveness. Help me to support those damaged by violence. Amen.

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