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  Nationwide Christian Trust MINISTRY NEWS
 Rev. Ian Moore
These are the words of King Solomon, recorded for us in Proverbs 12:15. Throughout the
that we will grow in the wisdom embodied in the timeless Word of God. The dictionary describes a proverb as a traditional saying expressing a perceived truth based on common sense or experience. The book of Proverbs is far more than common sense, it is the wisdom of God, the fount of all-wisdom, given so that we might live life well. We commend this edition to you and hope that it enriches your life so that you may feel able to commend it to others.
With every blessing. Ian Moore
pages of this edition we will be presented with the stark comparison between wisdom and folly, and the outcomes we can expect. Proverbs provides us with guidelines for righteous, God-honouring living. Day by day we see on news feeds the carnage that folly brings. There is no re-wind button allowing us to erase and start afresh; what we need to do is to learn from God’s living Word and seek to put it into practice. Alongside this, we have God’s invitation to receive forgiveness through the shed blood of Jesus. So wherever you are on life’s journey you can live by the principle, “what I have received, I can give” (Acts 3:6) - wisdom and forgiveness in abundance.
Proverbs 1:9 puts it this way, God’s instruction is “a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.” Each day we will share in a pearl of wisdom, in themselves they are pearls but when by faith we take them to heart and act upon them, they become a necklace of grace adorning our lives with the beauty of Christ. It’s our prayer, as we journey through the book of Proverbs,

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