Page 39 - Living Light 88
P. 39

Wednesday April 9 - Seduction’s innocence
“Today I fulfilled my vows, and I have food from my fellowship offering at home.” Proverbs 7:14
Being drawn away from the truth starts innocently by posing the questions, “Is this okay?”; “Perhaps it’s not wrong”; “It’s okay in certain cases”; until finally concluding “It’s alright”! We become good at justifying wrongdoing by trying to build a pretext from Scripture, arguing that the end justifies the means, that “I had no alternative” or “it was someone else’s fault”... Buck-passing simply does not work.
The woman had fulfilled her vows; she had time on her hands, there was tasty food on the table and what’s more, she had looked for the young man and had found him. Unknowingly, the young man was being drawn into the spider’s web. The case was presented, “Surely this meeting was meant to be; it’s no coincidence; therefore it must be God’s will.” As a pastor, I’ve heard people say that the Lord led them to commit adultery. If they had truly believed this, they were trapped in total deception, having ‘exchanged the truth about God for a lie’ (Romans 1:23). This is a hugely dangerous place to be, because it’s only the truth which can set us free (John 8:32).
Dear friends, let’s take time to come humbly before God. Perhaps some of us need to draw back from enticement, and wholeheartedly commit ourselves to walk once more in his path of righteousness.
Lord Jesus, in your great mercy forgive me and cut off every chain that binds me, so that I may walk in your ways once more. Amen.
Thursday April 10 - Seduction’s opportunity
“I have covered my bed with coloured linens from Egypt. I have perfumed
my bed with myrrh, aloes and cinnamon.” Proverbs 7:16-17
The Apostle Peter warns us to ‘Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour’ (1 Peter 5:8). God is working to establish his kingdom, ceaselessly and wonderfully forming us into the image of Christ. Satan does not build; rather he is an opportunist seeking to destroy, and waiting for us to be off guard. A lion will always prefer the weak or vulnerable animal for its prey.
Our young man had his defences down; he had been foolish, and now the invitation came. This was the moment Satan had been waiting for – the man was vulnerable and alone, his head was messed up, his passions were running high. Thoughts flooded his mind: “It’s night, no-one need know, just the once...”
Joseph faced a similar temptation (Genesis 39:7-20); while in Egypt he was seduced by his master’s wife, but Joseph refused her and ran. Samson, on the other hand, fell for the seduction of Delilah (Judges 16). What was the difference? Joseph was strong in faith, knowing right from wrong, and trusted God. Samson compromised himself by falling for a woman in league with his enemy, the Philistines. Samson and Joseph’s endings could not have been more different. Why was this? When at their most vulnerable, temptation struck; one followed the path of wisdom, but the other chose folly. Let us pray...
Dear heavenly Father, may I resist temptation by being strong in the Lord and the power of your might. Amen.

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