Page 40 - Living Light 88
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Friday April 11 - Seduction’s persuasion
“My husband is not at home...” With persuasive words she led him astray;
she seduced him with her smooth talk. Proverbs 7:19,21
With persuasive words and smooth talk the young man was drawn further and further in. The power of reason and good judgement were fast being swallowed up by sensual desire. The closer you get to a magnet the greater its power to attract. As a young man, I was an excessive social drinker, and this eventually cost me my driving licence. As I began to mature as a Christian, I realised that God wanted ‘clear water’ between me and my past. Forty-two years ago I had my last drink – any power it once exercised was broken!
We are called to be aware of the devil’s schemes (Ephesians 6:11). These schemes are persistent, and tailored to penetrate our weak spots. What can we do? Simply, we resist the devil, knowing he will flee (James 4:7). How do we do this? We draw near to God, bolt the door to temptation, and walk away. When the devil realises that temptation only serves to draw us closer to God, its power, and the devil’s persistence, will be broken.
Tragically, our young man ‘followed her like an ox going to the slaughter... little knowing it would cost him his life’ (vv 22-23). Praise God that there was another who was as ‘a lamb led to the slaughter’ (Isaiah 53:7), which also cost him his life to set us free, giving us both wisdom and power to overcome temptation.
Father, may I walk away from darkness and everything it stands for. Break its hold as I choose to walk in your glorious light. Amen.
Saturday April 12 - Seduction’s defeat
Do not let your heart turn to her ways or stray into her paths.
Proverbs 7:25
‘Now then, my sons, listen to me; pay attention to what I say’ (v 24). I can imagine Solomon, with his sons gathered at his feet, recounting this parable. He ends with the punch line, ‘Do not let your heart turn...’ This is it – be wise and guard your heart, be aware of seduction which seeks to draw your heart away from worshipping and serving God. This seduction is often centred on the person of Jesus and the Word of God. It is subtle, diluting and undermining the divinity of Christ and questioning the inerrancy of Scripture. Tragically, I know only too well of hearts that have been turned.
This is the challenge that the church is facing. Individually, we must take a stand and resist. Praise God! – we are neither defeated nor defenceless, for: ‘When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him’ (Isaiah 59:19). This deserves a “Hallelujah!” Historically, a battle standard was unfurled and held high on a pole, giving soldiers courage in the chaos of battle. Our banner is none other than the Lord Jesus, held high in battle, not on a pole but a cruel cross, bringing to mind the enemy’s total defeat. So dear friend, at the end of our week know that you are ‘more than a conqueror through him who loved us’ (Romans 8:37).
Dear heavenly Father, today I choose unreservedly to turn my heart fully towards you for my heart is yours alone. Amen.

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