Page 58 - Living Light 88
P. 58

Monday May 5 - Wise words
The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but the mouth of the
wicked conceals violence. Proverbs 10:11
As I have studied and pondered the verses in this chapter there seems to be a recurring theme, relating to our speech and the words that often gush forth from our mouths – some wise, some ‘perverse’ as Solomon says (Proverbs 8:8). Our verse today highlights the life-giving power of righteous speech and the destructive potential of wicked words.
For many of us that other well-known proverb, ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,’ will have been proven wrong time and time again. Words have the power to break more than our bones. Their impact upon us can bring heartache and ruin that for some may seem irreparable. Many times my speech is nothing like the ‘fountain of life’ that I long for it to be. It’s often a word spoken in haste, rather than a gentle word of encouragement. So often the words I speak can reveal what is actually in my heart, or mind: “For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of” (Luke 6:45). I need to be so mindful of that truth too.
We all possess the potential to impact others’ lives by the simplicity of the words we speak – even if we feel far from ‘blameless’. We are a work in progress in God’s hands, so as we seek that ‘wisdom that comes from above’ (James 3:17) our speech will become life-giving and affirming.
Father God, please help us to be kind in the things we say. Our words have power beyond what we can sometimes imagine. Amen.
Tuesday May 6 - Finding wisdom
Wisdom is found on the lips of the discerning... Proverbs 10:13
We as humans are unique in having the gift of speech. Whether our mouths are a ‘fountain of life’ or something less so, we are instructed to guard our speech (v 19).
This verse was beautifully illustrated in a story I heard recently. A woman sought the counsel of her husband over a very tricky situation she was facing. During her commute to work each day she saw the same people, but one person in particular caught her attention, for all the wrong reasons. A fellow passenger, a man, was kind and courteous towards her. Not that her husband wasn’t, but she began to feel an attraction towards the other man. She bravely confessed to her husband, asking for his help. He listened quietly and, after what seemed an age, gave his wise and discerning solution... “Change trains,” he said. Simple – just two words, but full of wisdom as well as instruction. She did as her husband suggested and her dilemma melted away. She changed trains and averted the risk of damaging her marriage and perhaps ruining her life.
Each of us at some time will face a dilemma in our relationships with others. When it is time for us to ‘change trains’ may we also seek out those whose words and counsel come from the wisdom God imparts.
Father God, in whatever dilemma I face, please help me; as I seek for your wisdom give me the courage to heed your words and walk in your ways. Amen.

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