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Tuesday May 20 - Fruitful lips
From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things, and the work of their hands brings them reward. Proverbs 12:14
Here is a wonderful lesson; when grasped it can revolutionise life. The spiritual seeds that we sow into the lives of others – seeds of kindness, mercy, compassion, goodwill and love – are returned to us by the grace of God. ‘What we sow we will reap’ is a Kingdom principle; it’s the fruit of righteous living. Of course this rule does not apply to salvation, which is 100% from God.
Matthew 6:33 sums this up: “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you.” The principle is expanded throughout Jesus’ sermon on the mount: “Give, and it will be given to you... with the measure you use, it will be measured to you” (Luke 6:38), and again: “For if you forgive other people... your heavenly Father will also forgive you” (Matthew 6:14). If we judge others, we ourselves will be judged! (Matthew 7.1)
We need to take care how we treat others, always seeking to be humble and forgiving. Matthew 18:23-34 recounts a parable in which a king graciously writes off a huge debt. The reprieved man went away, ignoring the forgiveness he had received, and mercilessly demanded repayment of a tiny debt owed to him. The outcome was dire!
We need to ‘prime the pump’, by showing unmerited kindness, forgiveness, generosity and acceptance to others. Not because we will be blessed, but simply because it’s right!
Father, thank you for the grace I have received; may I be devoid of judgement and readily extend grace to others. Amen.
Wednesday May 21 - Power of words
The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise
brings healing. Proverbs 12:18
Proverbs has much to say about the power of the spoken word. Words can destroy (Proverbs 11:9), crush the spirit (15:4), and bring death (18:21), but wonderfully they can also bring life and health (15:4).
Today’s text warns us that reckless words pierce like swords. Many today live with the regret and hurt of this reality. Social media allows reckless words to spread quickly, leading to misunderstandings, damaged relationships, and even mental health issues. On the other hand, words of wisdom and encouragement can uplift, heal, and promote positive outcomes.
Let’s make it our habit to harness the power of words to foster healing and understanding, rather than causing harm. Let’s remember the profound impact our words can have, and seek to speak with wisdom and kindness. How do we do that? We choose not to speak recklessly, but with all wisdom we consider what to say, speaking with gentleness, uplifting others with words of encouragement, support, and understanding.
Each day, we have the opportunity to be a source of healing and comfort to those in need by speaking with compassion and extending kindness. There may be times when we need to bite our tongue and so wreck reckless words! This is only half the answer; the other is to listen, discern and then to speak the words the Holy Spirit gives you. Jesus is our example – he said little but it meant a lot!
Lord Jesus, may I become increasingly aware that my tongue ‘has the power of life and death’ (Proverbs 18:21). Amen.

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