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Saturday May 24 - The way of the righteous
In the way of righteousness there is life; along that path is immortality
Proverbs 12:28
The way of righteousness leads to eternal life. This life comes through faith in Jesus Christ and his atoning sacrifice on the cross. This is a blessed assurance, but for a moment let’s consider its effect on our mortal lives. Does the way of righteousness lengthen our days? Surely, we can all think of friends and family whose ‘home call’ seemed premature.
There are multiple promises in the Bible that our days will be lengthened if we live according to the Maker’s instructions (see Deuteronomy 5:33, 6:1-3 and Ephesians 6:2-3). This makes sense; if I do not eat or drink to excess, if I take regular exercise, if I allow my mind to be transformed (Romans 12:2), if I choose to forgive rather than allow bitterness to consume me... The list goes on and on; it is the way of righteousness, a lifestyle that inherently leads to life – spiritual, emotional, and often physical. A life aligned with righteousness invites the blessings of God, reducing the spiritual and physical risks associated with wrongdoing.
This being the case, then, the opposite must also be true. In my work as a prison chaplain, I see the ravages of unrighteousness in the lives of men and sadly also their families: shortened, blighted lives robbed of blessing. So let this be the spur to share the love of Jesus today!
Heavenly Father, thank you that when we seek first your kingdom and your righteousness, you add blessings to our lives (Matthew 6:33). Amen.
May 25th - Saturday 23rd August features in the next issue of Living Light
Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up
Proverbs 12:25
TO GOD: Father, we rejoice in the knowledge that you are the God of all peace and amazing grace. May we share your grace and peace with our needy world at every opportunity.
FOR THE CHURCH: Lord, forgive us for the times when we are devoid of grace, and for the dishonour this brings to your Name.
FOR THE WORLD: Lord of the harvest, we pray that you will raise up labourers (Matthew 9:38), for the harvest is ripe.
FOR OUR NATION: Lord Jesus, your return is imminent. Commission men and women, filled with your Spirit, to preach the good news boldly and declare the wonders of God.
FOR OUR FRIENDS: Father, it is your will that none should perish (2 Peter 3:9); therefore I pray with confidence for... (names)
FOR MYSELF: Loving heavenly Father, I humbly ask to receive an overflow of your peace and grace as I take these moments to cast every anxiety upon you (1 Peter 5:7), knowing you care for me. Amen.
  Lord please guide Jo Ibbott and be a light to the women attending the Leading through the Fog event on 2nd June.
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