Page 58 - Living Light Spring 2024
P. 58

Monday May 6 - Expect the miraculous
As he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning. Luke 9:29
How often do we pray with real expectation? How often do we pray with openness to the possibility of the miraculous? We have to accept that the context on that mountain was a unique one; we may pray in the name of Jesus, but this little group were praying with Jesus among them! This was not going to be an ordinary prayer meeting, and this was driven home when Jesus began to change in appearance – both his face and his clothing. His companions were quite drowsy at this time, so perhaps they didn’t quite take this in at first. Yet surely nothing was surprising when it came to Jesus!
What are our hopes when we meet for prayer? Do we have an expectation for the miraculous when we pray together? Perhaps we have lost that tingle within our soul; it may be that we’ve been to far too many prayer meetings where little happens or is expected to happen. Perhaps it’s time we lifted ourselves by our bootstraps and considered what we are actually doing. We are meeting with the Creator of life and the universe, the Redeemer and Sustainer of our souls. This is no board meeting or club gathering. This is communing with the Person who has already demonstrated his mighty deeds – water to wine, bread for the masses, incredible healings. Your expectation could be the start of your journey.
Father in heaven, please help me to pray with real hopes and expectations. Amen.
Tuesday May 7 - Our response
Peter and his companions were very sleepy, but when they became fully awake, they saw his glory and the two men standing with him. Luke 9:32
So Jesus has been transformed. But there is more. Moses and Elijah suddenly appear and begin discussing points of theology with Jesus. The prayer meeting has become a Bible study, with two who had actually been there and got the T-shirt! Surely this was a dream? Apparently not, as Peter, James and John were now fully awake, chins hitting the ground in absolute amazement.
Yes, this was unprecedented; this is not the normal Christian life. But tweaking the context, what would our reaction be if, like our three friends here, we had just observed the miraculous? Does our Christian mindset allow for this possibility? Probably not. Should it allow for the possibility? Possibly yes!
Returning to the prayer meeting I mentioned on Sunday, we believe the miraculous did happen – that, in some way, Jesus was sitting among us, communing with us. That was the only explanation that made sense, as unlikely but wonderful as it may have seemed. He had knocked on the door and we let him in (Revelation 3:20). We accepted this explanation; we had the faith to do so. We had been prepared for this, as the very purpose of this retreat was for God himself to set the programme. All I can say on this is that if we let go... and let God... incredible things can happen!
Father in heaven, please help me to respond appropriately to answered prayer. Amen.

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