Page 15 - Living Light - A Message of Joy!
P. 15

Wednesday December 13 - Joy in Christ ...your joy in Christ Jesus will overflow... Philippians 1:26
The theme and words of ‘joy’ and ‘rejoicing’ crop up nearly a dozen times in the four short chapters of Philippians. Here, Paul speaks of ‘joy in faith’ and ‘joy in Christ Jesus’. I once heard a church leader say that it was impossible to claim that anything we do necessarily results in church growth because it is ‘God who gives the increase’ (1 Corinthians 3:6). However, he also said that, almost invariably, there’s a clear connection between joy and growth. When we meet together to worship, pray, learn from the scriptures and participate in fellowship, is joy evident?
In John 16:24, on the evening before his crucifixion, Jesus addressed his disciples and spoke of his desire that they would know ‘complete joy’. Joy is deep-seated and is not dependent upon the circumstances we face, nor is it merely determined by our personality alone. Christian joy is found ‘in Christ Jesus’. Over the 55 years I have been a Christian I clearly recall that the times when I have faced the most difficulties and greatest pressures have been the occasions when ‘the joy in Christ Jesus’ has been most evident to me. It is a deep work in our souls which results in such joy. Let’s seek this joy daily and find it only in Jesus!
Lord Jesus, please fill my heart and fill your church with joy. Please help all your people to rejoice in your love. Amen.
Thursday December 14 - Worthy conduct
...conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.
Philippians 1:27
‘The gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are true; what about the gospel according to you?’ This is a challenging little ditty. The way we live and conduct ourselves each day either supports the truths of the Christian faith or raises real concerns about our consistency. We all know that we let our Lord down regularly and need to turn to him for grace; nevertheless it is important to give careful attention to the way we live. It is absolutely true that we are ‘saved by grace, through faith’ (Ephesians 2:8). Paul goes on in that Ephesians passage to stress that this is nothing to do with our own works or moral behaviour – it is God’s work.
However, the person who receives God’s gracious salvation without earning it, then goes on in the Christian life to live in ‘a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.’ Even in this, we are reliant upon the love and gracious enabling of the Lord. We live in such a way because of our gratitude to our Lord, and our wish to live in a way that honours him. Paul urges us not only to honour Jesus but also ‘the gospel of Christ’. With careful attention and the Holy Spirit’s enabling, let us endeavour to make sure that there’s no inconsistency between what we believe and how we live.
‘O most merciful redeemer, friend and brother, may I know thee more clearly, love thee more dearly and follow thee more nearly, day by day.’ Amen.

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