Page 16 - Living Light - A Message of Joy!
P. 16

Friday December 15 - Don’t be afraid
...without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you.
Philippians 1:28
Some people who face opposition become very bullish: they fight back with aggressive words. Others feel hurt and fearfully retire back into their shell, like a petrified tortoise. One thing is certain: Christians always have faced, and always will face, opposition. This takes various forms: indifference, mockery, outright aggression, and in some places around the world, persecution, imprisonment and martyrdom. Of course, sometimes we are guilty of bringing this upon ourselves by acting in ways which are provocative or unworthy of the gospel, but in this passage Paul is talking about unjust opposition: ‘Don’t be frightened in any way by those who oppose you.’
There are hundreds of occasions in the Bible in which Christians are urged not to fear or be afraid or frightened, and in virtually all these references a reason is given. The Bible never supports the empty courage exhibited in songs like ‘I whistle a happy tune’ (‘The King and I’) or ‘Always look on the bright side of life’ (‘Monty Python’). Rather, consider the reasons for not being fearful e.g. “Do not fear, for I am with you” (Isaiah 41:10). The reason Paul gives in Philippians is that sometimes we face opposition because God has brought us salvation and our detractors are kicking against that, resulting in their own destruction. Do not be frightened; he who saved you will watch over you and always be with you.
Heavenly Father, help me this day to be courageous and to rejoice in the salvation you have granted to your people. Amen.
Saturday December 16 - Suffer for him
For it has been granted to believe...and to suffer...” Philippians 1:29
When a sentence begins ‘It has been granted to you...’ you expect something pleasing to follow. Indeed, it does. The verse continues ‘to believe on him...’ (Christ). That’s great! But then the apostle adds: ‘...but also to suffer for him.’ Whoops! That doesn’t sound like something pleasing or attractive. How is that something ‘granted’ to us? But Jesus Christ suffered; Paul suffered and was still suffering when he penned this letter. In fact, Jesus made it clear that being his disciple carried with it the expectation of suffering.
There’s an old Christian spiritual song with the words ‘If you will not bear a cross you can’t wear the crown.’ As yesterday’s notes made clear, opposition and suffering come in various forms, depending upon the political and cultural environment in which we live. The sense of suffering with Christ as a blessing comes through, in Jesus’ own words, in Matthew 5:11-12: “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven...” Furthermore, Paul pointed out (in Romans 5:3-5) that suffering is hugely productive in developing Christian character. So, let’s reflect on the whole passage this week... Living is Christ. Suffering is a blessing. Death brings gain. For time and eternity we are Christ’s and with Christ. Hallelujah!
Praise you, Lord, for your constant presence, in good times and bad. Thank you for all your blessings. Amen.

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