Page 48 - Living Light - A Message of Joy!
P. 48

Monday January 22 - I’ve started...
...but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of
me. Philippians 3:12
I’m writing today whilst on holiday in North Yorkshire. I spent an hour building my bike to ride to Scarborough, and so, with gear on, ready to go, I was leaving the front door when the heavens opened. There was no rain forecast, but it was torrential. Hence, I’m sitting back inside and writing this!
Sometimes your destination seems thwarted by the ‘weather’ of your circumstances, which may be a lack of resources, opportunity, negative comments from others, or plain old fear. Sometimes we even thwart ourselves, just as Moses tried to at the burning bush: “I’m not qualified, send somebody else!” was his cry (Exodus 4:13). It’s not easy to find the drive to maintain forward motion. Paul alludes to this in Philippians 3:12, saying he will ‘press on’, suggesting the need for some force. The word ‘press’ (dioko in the original Greek of Paul’s letter) literally means ‘pursuing’, indicating that his determination came from chasing something ahead. Like Moses heading to Egypt, his goal became his motivating factor.
I’m writing this while still wearing my full biking gear because I still aim to reach my destination. I didn’t get changed and scrap the plan, I just waited for the worst of the storm to subside, and I can now see some sunshine. Whatever the weather in your life, keep pressing, keep pursuing!
Father, I thank you for the drawing power of your will and purpose for my life. Help me to keep forward motion, knowing you are with me, in Jesus. Amen.
Tuesday January 23 - Onwards and upwards
I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. Philippians 3:13
Graduation is a day of rejoicing, as is the safe birth of a child, or the first day of a new job. Back up though to that failed essay, or that last-ditch round of IVF, or the three jobs you didn’t get... The day of arrival requires no determination (except perhaps in giving birth!), but the difficult moments on the road to it do.
Scripture provides numerous examples of people losing impetus in difficult times. The Hebrews wanted to return to Egypt (Numbers 14:4), after ten of the spies sent out by Moses said that taking Canaan was impossible (13:31). Fearful and discouraged, Elijah retreated to a cave (1 Kings 19:9-10), and seeing Jesus’s divinity in the miraculous catch of fish, Peter concluded he wasn’t worthy to continue walking with him (Luke 5:8).
How do we move forward when stuck, when things have gone wrong, and when the way appears impossible? Paul says this: ‘But one thing I do: Forgetting what is
behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 3:13-14).
Break that down: Forget your past mistakes and issues! Don’t focus on the present! Look onwards and upwards, to the prize Jesus paid for and God called you to! Strain! Press! Pursue!
Father, I have a past and a present that is causing me to falter. Help me look to you and find my stride again. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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