Page 36 - Dechencholing HSS Diary 2023
P. 36

Dechencholing Higher Secondary School

            prizes of Nu.5000/- and Nu.3000/- to the second and third (whole Bhutan
            toppers) would be sponsored by the school.
          6.  Certificate of Progress: Instituted in 2018 and signed by the Principal of
            the school, awarded to students of Classes PP to 9 and11 (Board Exams
            excluded) for making remarkable progress (>15%)on the marks (aggregate)
            obtained in the midterm.
          7.  Best BHSEC Award: Awarded to the best BHSEC student selected on
            a  five  point  criteria  viz.  academics,  leadership,  participation,  discipline/
            conduct and other contributions (community services).
          8.  Best  BCSE Award:  Awarded to the  best BCSE student of the year
            selected on the five point criteria viz. academics, leadership, participation,
            discipline/conduct and other contributions (community services).

          9.  Minister’s  Certificate  of  Recognition:  Instituted  in  2021  and  awarded
            to those teachers in the department, securing 3% and above the national
            mean mark in their respective subjects in the board exams, signed by the
            honourable Sherig Lyonpo, Ministry of Education.
          10. Institute’s Certificate of Recognition: Instituted in 2021 and awarded to
            those teachers in the department, meeting the national mean and securing
            up to 2.9% mark in their respective subjects in the board exams, signed by
            the Principal of the school.

                                   Fee Structure 2023
                                   PP- VI       VII - VIII    IX – XII
          SDF                        30            100          200
          Token Fee                  5              5            5
          School Magazine           150            150          150
          School Rimdo              150            150          150
          School Diary               60            60            60
          Student ID                 60            60            60
          Class Fund                150            125           25
          Exam Paper                 95            50            50
          TOTAL                     700            700          700
          ***Collection for cleaning toilets and Choesam (new admission) will be done
          separately by respective Class teachers upon the announcement by the school

          ©School Diary, DHSS 2023            སློབ་གྲྭའི་ཉིན་དེབ། སྤྱི་ལོ་༢༠༢༣ ཅན་མ  35
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