Page 50 - Dechencholing HSS Diary 2023
P. 50
Dechencholing Higher Secondary School
10. Teacher Child Meet-ROS and RTR
The concerned in charges- (TOD/Class Teacher/House teacher/ Any other
Responsible Person) can attend to minor offences stated in Sanction I, Sanction II and
Sanction III using his/her own discretion. It is expected to provide a preventative and a
corrective intervention to support the defaulter and maintain ROS (Record of Sanction).
The student is then expected to be referred to RTR (Reflective Thinking Room). It is to
provide an opportunity for the student to reflect on his/her action.
11. Undertaking from parents and refer to counseling
Suspension with Assignment is the decision of the Discipline Committeedecided during
its meeting. It is giving responsibility to the parents to take care of their child for a few
weeks. It can be one week/two weeks/ three weeks or a month and more based on the
degree ofseriousness of the offence.
12. Expulsion
The Discipline Committee/school may NOT accept the defaulter in the school.
Note: RTR is a place/room to facilitate reflective and responsible thinking and
support the student in her/his endeavours to act responsibly there after.
Responsible thinking is a process where the student (defaulter) reflects on
what she/he needs to do in order to achieve what she/he legitimately wants.
In gist, responsible thinking is the understanding that what one chooses to
do now can affect both self and others.
Cheating in Examinations:
Anyone caught cheating in the examination will be disqualified from writing
subsequent exams after verification by Exam Committee and he or she will be
handed over to the parent/s. All previous exam papers submitted by the Student will
be cancelled.
More about Examinations:
1. You may be physically checked at the examination room before or during
the tests and exams.
2. Borrowing of any material like pen, pencil, eraser, sharpener, calculator
required for the exam is not allowed.
3. Carefully fill in the required information at the top of your question/
answer booklet before you start writing answers.
4. Do not carry unauthorized materials into the exam room. If found in
possession of such materials during the exam, it may lead to cancellation
of all other subsequent papers.
5. Talking, possession of written materials related to exams, copying, helping,
and getting help, passing written materials, exchanging question papers
or answer scripts etc. will be considered cheating.
6. You can leave the exam room only half an hour before the completion of
stipulated time on the question paper for exams and 10 minutes before
during unit tests.
©School Diary, DHSS 2023 སློབ་གྲྭའི་ཉིན་དེབ། སྤྱི་ལོ་༢༠༢༣ ཅན་མ 49