Page 88 - Dechencholing HSS Diary 2023
P. 88

Dechencholing Higher Secondary School

                            Prepare for showcasing their learning
                            journey- Schools share their first draft of   BB School mentor &
                            the showcase to their school mentor.   Schools
                    Fri.5   Mentors provide feedback to enrich the
                            Math Intervention: Number and   K. Tenzin & team
                            Consultation 5 and 6 - Feuerstein
                            Institute and BCSEA/Discuss how to
                            report the results of the students in
                            BCSEA exams for individuals, domains,
                            School, Dzongkhag/Use of technology   R. Chhetri and T.
                            in the reporting of results - look at the   Nidup
                            current BCSEA system and discuss how
                            best to improve the system based on the
                            discussions on design of questions,
             P              evaluation and reporting.
             H              Analyzing Cross Pollination Review
             E      Sat.6   Data- using the data to enrich the   S. Ugay & team/
             L              Roadmaps of the students and Domains/  Social
             R              Marijuana Uprooting
             I              Preparing for showcasing their learning
                            journey- Schools share the final draft   BB School mentor &
                            with the mentor and prepare for the   Schools
                                                          T. Nidup & BB
                            Run through for the showcase of 7
                    Sat.13                                Mentors/ Emotional
                            schools/Yoga/ Humanity Day
                            Engagement programme for students
             L              and teachers of 23 schools: Some
             E              students and teachers from the 22   T. Lhendup & team
             A              schools join The Royal Academy nature
             R              retreat
             N              Bring Closure to learning cycle II and
             I              prepare for learning cycle III- Progress   Mentors
             G              reports to be sent home/Reviewing and
                            updating all Roadmaps

          ©School Diary, DHSS 2023            སློབ་གྲྭའི་ཉིན་དེབ། སྤྱི་ལོ་༢༠༢༣ ཅན་མ  87
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