Page 98 - Dechencholing HSS Diary 2023
P. 98
Dechencholing Higher Secondary School
Domain Heads of 23 schools plan for
exam taking skills of Grade 6,8,10 and Cerebral coord. &
Sat.7 12 students for Learning Cycle V (9:00 HoDs/ Physical
AM to 1:00 PM)/ Moderation of Trail
Review Paper/ Marathon (VII-XII)
Engagement program for students and
teachers of 23 schools (Date to be
finalized after Mr. Kapur’s conversation
with the Principals)
Mon.9 Domain meetings within the schools to
- plan exam taking skills of Grade 6,8,10 Cerebral coord. &
Sat.14 and 12 students for Learning Cycle V
P Submission of trial review paper to
H Mon. 9 cerebral coordinator Cerebral
L Tue.10 Mental Health Day Social
R Tue.10
I - Trial Review Paper Printing Exam comm.
M Sat.14
Sat. 14 2nd learning showcase/ Staff Picnic Cerebral/ Emo.
Mon.16 བཙུཊ་ནི། Exam Comm.
Trial Review for Classes 6, 8, 10 & 12
L begin
E Recap on creating individualized review
A Sat.21 papers - only for teachers teaching Cerebral coord.
R Grades that do not have Board Exams
N Engagement program for students and
I teachers of 23 schools (Date to be
G finalized after Mr. Kapur’s conversation
with the Principals)
C Tue.24 ད་ས་འིན་དུས་སྟོན་ངལ་གསོ།
Dassain Festival
C Fri.27 Programme for Primary English teachers M.Lakshmi & S.
L (PP to III, 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM) Doraiswami
E Sat.28 Discussion of samples of individualized Cerebral Coord.
review papers. (9:00 AM to 1:00 PM)
©School Diary, DHSS 2023 སློབ་གྲྭའི་ཉིན་དེབ། སྤྱི་ལོ་༢༠༢༣ ཅན་མ 97