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Int. J. Asst. Tools in Educ., Vol. 7, No. 3, (2020) pp. 343–360

               offers  an  opportunity  for  teachers  to  replace  traditional  teaching  methods  with  technology
               integrated ones to be able to perform their professions more efficiently and more effectively.

               5. RECOMMENDATIONS
               Future  researchers  should  develop  new  TPACK  instruments  capable  of  measuring  actual
               learning,  performance,  and  real-life  scenario  tasks  apart  from  the  ones  used  to  measure
               perception,  belief  self-efficacy  through  TPACK  instruments.  In  addition  to  the  use  of
               Cronbach's alpha, inter-rater reliability, expert content validity, and factor analysis to ensure
               the reliability and validity of instruments, future researchers should also try using other ways
               of ensuring and increasing reliability and validity of instruments while devising new TPACK
               instruments to measure TPACK of English teachers. Future researchers should meticulously
               look into the ways how multi-method research designs and mixed methods research designs
               could be employed to measure English teachers’ TPACK in further studies. Further researchers
               should also question how data triangulation process in a TPACK-research works in terms of
               reliability and validity and might be applied to better measure pre-service and in-service English
               teachers’ TPACK.
               Limited to investigate reliability and validity issues, this review has made an attempt to discuss
               how the issues of reliability and validity of instruments are addressed by the researchers within
               a limited number of studies in the field of EFL.

               Declaration of Conflicting Interests and Ethics
               The  authors  declare  no  conflict  of  interest.  This  research  study  complies  with  research
               publishing ethics. The scientific and legal responsibility for manuscripts published in IJATE
               belongs to the author(s).

               Abdullah ARSLAN

               6. REFERENCES
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