Page 20 - 2025-26 District Program of Studies FLIP.docx_Neat
P. 20
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
Planning, managing, and providing legal, public safety, protective services, and homeland security,
including professional and technical support services.
High School Course Suggestions:
❖ Marketing, Introduction to Business
❖ Forensic Science
❖ US Government and Politics
❖ US History I & II
❖ Government and Constitutional Law
Camden County Certificate programs:
❖ Corrections
❖ Emergency and Disaster Management
❖ Fundamentals of Policing
Planning, managing and performing the processing of materials into intermediate or final products
and related professional and technical support activities such as production planning, maintenance
and manufacturing/processing engineering.
High School Course Suggestions:
❖ Marketing, Introduction to Business
❖ Fashion and Interior Design 1
❖ Digital Photography
❖ Video & Media Production
❖ Design and Tech 1-3
Camden County Certificate programs:
❖ Precision Machining Technology
❖ Industrial Controls: Programmable Logic Controller
Planning, managing, and performing marketing activities to reach organizational objectives.
High School Course Suggestions:
❖ Marketing, Introduction to Business
❖ Personal Finance
❖ Probability and Statistics
❖ Digital Photography
❖ Video & Media Production
❖ Sports and Entertainment Marketing
❖ Digital Social Media Marketing
Black Horse Pike Regional Program of Studies 20