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                                                Telephone: (856) 227-4106

                                             Dr. Brian Repici, Superintendent
                                        Mrs. Julie Scully, Assistant Superintendent
                                     Mrs. Mary-Alice Baratta, Chief Academic Officer
                                 Mrs. Marcie Geyer, Director of Curriculum & Instruction
                                      Mrs. Erika Silich, Director of Special Services
                                Mr. Scott Kipers, Board Secretary/Business Administrator
                                Mr. Anthony Tarsatana, Assistant Business Administrator

                                               DEPARTMENT SUPERVISORS
                                   NAME                              DEPARTMENT                     EXT.
                              Mr. Steve Arena              Technology Education/Business/Art        4307
                             Mrs. Dina Tomczak         Athletics, Phys. Ed, & Music, Timber Creek   6007
                               Ms. Lisa Steele            Athletics, Phys. Ed, & Music Highland     4007
                            Ms. Deborah Gelston            Athletics, Phys. Ed, & Music, Triton     2007
                               Mrs. Erin Sarin                   English Language Arts              6305
                               Mrs. Lori Hunt                         Mathematics                   2301
                           Mrs. Jennifer Gramble       Science, Family & Consumer Science           6300
                               Ms. Gail Shelly              Social Studies/ World Languages         4306
                            Mrs. Jessica Caffrey              Special Education, Highland           4308
                       Mrs. Christine Jones-Hubbert         Special Education, Timber Creek         6308
                           Mrs. Megan Blackman                  Special Education, Triton           2308
                             Mr. Michael Jones                 Teaching and Learning/ML             2302

                                         DIRECTORS OF SCHOOL COUNSELING
                                   NAME                            SCHOOL                       EXT.
                           Mr. Paul Sommers               Triton Regional High School           2021
                          Mr. Art Alessandroni          Highland Regional High School           4036
                           Mrs. Michele Hengel        Timber Creek Regional High School         6053

                                                MISSION STATEMENT

           The mission of the Black Horse Pike Regional School District is to educate a diverse population
           in an atmosphere consistent with the ideals of a free and democratic society.  We are committed
           to an exemplary educational program, based upon the New Jersey Student Learning Standards
           as adopted by the State Board of Education.  It is the expectation of this district that all pupils
           achieve the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, and Next Generation Science Standards,
           at all levels.  We will continue to improve students’ and teachers’ technological literacy as a
           means of preparing for the future with confidence and creativity.  Our schools will ensure the
           safety and security of all students and strive to provide the best learning environment.  We will
           enhance our students’ growth by providing them with a creative, purposeful, and ethical
           atmosphere. We are dedicated to providing our students an opportunity to achieve academic
           goals, develop good citizenship skills, and make a positive contribution to society.

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