Page 16 - Jim Whippy "Reeds Knot Handbook:A Pocket Guide to Knots, Hitches and Bends"
P. 16

The buntline hitch (effectively two half hitches) is a simple and
                effective knot which was traditionally used to secure a line
                to the foot of a sail on a square-rigged vessel. Its reliability is
                due to the fact that it will tighten rather than loosen when
                subjected to jerking, and is still popular as it works extremely
                well on the slippery synthetic lines more commonly used
                today.                                        overhand Knots and hItches
                  The buntline hitch is useful if you want to attach lines to
                rings, eyes, posts or railings and when you need to guarantee a
                secure fixing. One word of caution, though: the buntline hitch
                can jam when subjected to loads, making it difficult to release.

                                         Now, push the working
                                         end of the rope through
                                         to form the second half
                                         hitch. You can either
                                         leave a loop for easy
                                         release or. . .

                                         . . . pull the working end
                                         all the way through and
                                         tighten to finish the knot.


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