Page 26 - Jim Whippy "Reeds Knot Handbook:A Pocket Guide to Knots, Hitches and Bends"
P. 26

The hunter’s bend is a versatile knot as it can be used even
                with slippery synthetic rope. It is made up of two overhand
                knots that interlink to make one strong one. It is excellent for
                joining ropes together, but it does take a little practice, so be
                patient. Square in shape, the hunter’s bend is primarily used in
                sailing, but climbers sometimes favour this knot too.
                  The hunter’s bend found fame on the front page of the
                London Times in 1978, crediting Dr Edward Hunter as the   overhand Knots and hItches
                originator. Because of the article, the knot received a lot of
                publicity which resulted in the formation of the International
                Guild of Knot Tyers.

                                         Take the working end
                                         on the right side and
                                         bring it behind and up
                                         through both loops.

                                         To tighten the knot pull
                                         slowly on the standing
                                         parts (long ends), making
                                         sure the working ends
                                         remain tucked in.


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