Page 42 - Jim Whippy "Reeds Knot Handbook:A Pocket Guide to Knots, Hitches and Bends"
P. 42

The figure-of-eight bend is a secure way to join two ropes
                together that are of light to medium weight. It can be used in
                many situations and is easy to untie even after it has been put
                under stress. The knot starts out with a simple figure-of-eight
                (see pages 38–39) tied around one of the ropes, which is
                repeated on the other rope to form a secure fixing.
                  It works extremely well with modern ropes, but can jam if
                you are using natural fibre ropes or cords.   FIgure-oF-eIght Knots

                                         Complete the figure-of-
                                         eight so that you have
                                         two identical knots on
                                         each piece of rope.

                                         Tighten the knots and
                                         then pull both standing
                                         ends to bring them


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