Page 7 - Jim Whippy "Reeds Knot Handbook:A Pocket Guide to Knots, Hitches and Bends"
P. 7


                 Fibres, tools, terms and techniques  8

               overhand Knots and hItches
                 Albright special   10   Overhand shortening  26
                 Boom hitch        12   Perfection loop   28
                 Buntline hitch    14   Reef knot     30
                 Double overhand knot   16   Round turn and two
                 Fireman’s chair knot   18      half hitches   32
                 Fisherman’s knot   22   Taut-line hitch   34
                 Hunter’s bend     24   Zeppelin bend   36
               FIgure-oF-eIght Knots
                 Figure-of-eight knot   38   Flemish bend   44
                 Figure-of-eight bend   40   Stevedore’s knot   46
                 Figure-of-eight hitch   42

               BowlInes and Bends
                 Bowline           48   Round-turn bowline  58
                 Bowline on a bight   50   Sheet bend   60
                 Heaving line bend   52   Simple simon   62
                 Inuit bowline     54   Twin bowline bend   64
                 Lapp knot         56   Water bowline   66

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