P. 7

A Covenant of Leadership for SASK

                                               “ … the Lord has told us what is good.
                                                                 What he requires of us is this:
                                                                          to do what is just,
                                                                          to show constant love,
                                                                          and to live in humble fellowship with our

        Our Promises to God
        We promise to pray, alone and together, to thank God and to   We promise to listen with an open, non-judgmental mind to the
        ask for God's help in our lives and in our work for our church,   words and ideas of others in our church and on the Session.
        and we promise to listen to God's answer to us.
                                                                We  promise  to  work  towards  expressing  ourselves  openly,
                                                                honestly and clearly, recognising differences of opinion.
        Our Promises to Our Church Family
        We promise to demonstrate our leadership and commitment by   We  promise  to  support  the   nal  decision  of  the  Session,
        our example.                                            whether it re ects our view or not.
                                                                Our Commitment to the Congregation
        We promise to support our ministers and staff, so their efforts
        can be most productive.                                 We promise to seek and consider the opinions of our members
                                                                regarding our direction and vision at least once each year.
        We promise to work together for what is best for our church as a
        WHOLE.                                                  We  will  seek  to  enable  the  congregation  to  grow  in  faith
                                                                through  our  worship  and  service  locally  and  by  creating  a
        Our  Promises  to  Each  Other  on  the  Kirk           harmonious fellowship, worship, education, service, belonging
                                                                and outreach.
        We promise to respect and care for each other.          We will follow up on complaints of poor behaviour from our
                                                                leaders or members.
        We promise to treat our time on the Session as an opportunity
        to make an important gift to our church.

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