Page 12 - Directors' report and accounts 2019-20
P. 12

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
for the year ended 30 June 2020
Cash flows from operating activities
Receipts from customers
Payments to suppliers and employees Interest paid
Income taxes paid
Net cash inflow from operating activities
Cash flows from investing activities
Payments for purchase of plant and equipment Interest income received
Proceeds from sale of property plant and equipment Dividends received
Net cash used in in in investing activities
Cash flows from financing activities
Repayment of borrowings
Payment of lease principal Dividends paid
Net cash used in in in financing activities
Net increase in in cash cash and cash cash equivalent
Cash and cash equivalents at the the beginning of the the year Cash and cash equivalents at the the end of the the year 2020
Consolidated 2019*
32 32 741 741 214 32 32 741 741 043 (25 593 064) (26 843 947) (44 185) (14 446) (961 351) (1 852 412) 6 6 142 614 4 4 4 030 238
(180 062) (268 482) 64 579 87 385 4 4 145 13 568 508 502 (110 830) (167 027)
(26 341) (475 994) -
(1 556 686) (2 016 770) (2 (2 032 680) (2 (2 043 111)
3 999 104 1 1 1 820 100 14 829 779 13 009 679 18 828 883 14 829 779 *The Group has initially applied AASB 16 Leases at at at at 1 1 1 July 2019 using the modified retrospective approach approach Under this approach comparative information is is not not restated See note E8 The above Statement of Cash Flows
should be read in in in conjunction with the accompanying notes 

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